jaroschek / home-assistant-myuplink

Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.
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HA Built-in integration #93

Open JvdMaat opened 3 months ago

JvdMaat commented 3 months ago

With HA now having myUplink in the core (https://github.com/home-assistant/core/tree/dev/homeassistant/components/myuplink), is there a migration path? Would it make sense to merge some of the functionality? Should this remain a separate integration? I tried looking for the HA core integration, but it's only showing this one. So I assume I have to remove it from HACS to be able to see the myuplink integration baked into HA. (Which makes comparing the two a bit tricky) (I'm assuming if I switch, all entities will be new, so I lose any historical data?) Just want to start the discussion so people can make an informed decision.

jacobwod commented 3 months ago

(Related to #61 in a way, I guess. Both issues would perhaps better fit in i Discussion section, but this repo doesn't have one so it seems as Issues will be used for this. I hope the repo maintainer is ok with that.)

To the question: I'm in a similar position, with a fully working Uplink (the old API) connection to my F750 and a huge customized UI showing various parameters of interest.

Now, NIBE is pushing us towards migrating to myUplink, so the question arises over which myUplink integration to pick. This integration is more mature, without a doubt, so it should be a no-brainer. But it would be good to hear opinions on the future of this integration, e.g. if there are any discussion with the maintainer of the new, non-HACS, integration regarding possible merger. (I mean, why would HA need two myUplink integrations?)

To clearify, I would like to express my full support for @jaroschek and his work. With my limited knowledge, I don't understand why someone decided to start from scratch instead of "lifting" this integration to Core.

JvdMaat commented 3 months ago

Oops, I looked for older issues talking about this, but missed that one (since I didn't look back past Feb 1st as 2024.02 is when the core integration came out). But you're also right that that issue just worries about the domain. And we can now see that the custom integration domain overwrites the core integration. So no issues here so far. I have a GSHP from Enertech, and just have read-only stats. (I can't change any settings on my GSHP. Those are controlled by Honeywell thermostats and a zone controller). But I also have 6 months of historical data now that I use (I compare usage this month to last month, and I have it setup to compare to previous year as well once next winter rolls around). So maintaining the current entities with statistical history is important to me. If this integration is more mature (from what you say), is there an option to merge this into core and "overwrite" what's there? It honestly makes no sense to have two integrations do the same and both developing independently. But if they just created a new integration into core without seeing what's out there, that's... just shortsighted. Poked the core integration guys: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/112722

jacobwod commented 3 months ago

Poked the core integration guys: home-assistant/core#112722

That's a good idea - perhaps some dialogue is all it takes to get this confusing state of affairs sorted out. 👍