jaroschek / home-assistant-myuplink

Custom Home Assistant integration for devices and sensors in myUplink account.
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Only getting Read Values #95

Open maol01 opened 3 months ago

maol01 commented 3 months ago

I Just installed the integration but only get the Read value´s and no controls. Is there a setting someware to allow writing of values or changing to luxary mood etc?

LarsFransson65 commented 3 months ago

I have the same issue, only read values exept that I get the switches for start Force ventilation and start Lux but I cant see how to start vacation mode? That would be awsome together with adjusting the values as maol01 is saying.

maol01 commented 3 months ago

Storting Lux mode Would be niece ti be able to set a time as Well. Now its only on/off

Sloppie1986 commented 2 months ago

Hello! Same issue here, is there anyone with an solution? Greetings! Maarten

jaroschek commented 2 months ago

Have you checked the API like described in the README? https://github.com/jaroschek/home-assistant-myuplink?tab=readme-ov-file#debugging-misbehaving-entities

This integration does only provide entities for parameter points present in the public API in a way the API provides them. So only parameter point that are declared a writeable in the API are editable in Home Assistant. And unfortunately the manufacturers support of the public API is not very consistent.

It is known that the myUplink dashboard has much more to offer than the public API does. This is also already discussed in #48 as the dashboard is using an other API that could be used.

But if you would check your API response and find an entity that is really missing in Home Assistant, then let me know and provide example json response data.