jarrah31 / Google-StreetView-Publish-WebGUI

Publish 360 Photos to Google Streetview
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Desire to provide deployed, ready-to-use web services。 #2

Open inceptiongt opened 2 weeks ago

inceptiongt commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, after reading the project profile, I feel this is a very good project, I found a similar project before, but the function is not so complete. It's so timely, because the “Google street view” app is abandoned, and now you can only add the “small blue circle” street view by calling the api.

I found that installing and deploying this service is a bit tedious, and it's a bit of a waste to deploy it and just use it by myself. Is there a deployed web service that I can use directly?

I know that google cloud will charge a fee for using this service, and if there are many people using this service, it will incur a certain fee. I also know that google cloud will send 300 bucks per month, so we can limit the cost in google cloud, for example, if the cost exceeds 100 bucks, the service will be stopped, so that we can avoid incurring a huge cost.

I am looking forward to have a direct web service that I can use. Thank you!

jarrah31 commented 1 week ago

Yes it is somewhat tedious to install and deploy this unfortunately. I am thinking of creating a Docker container to at least make some of the installation easier, especially since I figured out how to use private IPs in redirect URIs. However there's no avoiding the complicated Google Cloud Developer Project setup, but at least it's all free.

It would be nice to turn this into a direct web service, but the running costs would be prohibitive. The Google Cloud Console for my personal use of this app shows API costs of £7.89 for the past 30 days, but this was free because I have £232 worth of free credits each month. It would only take 29 people using it at the same rate as me to consume the free credits, and if I put a stop to the service when that limit is reached, it would then prevent me from using it myself. :)

Thank you for showing an interest in this project and I'm glad to hear you like it. I use it all the time to upload my drone 360 images and I like adding new features that make them easier to manage. I'm no graphic designer hence the basic look, but it's at least functional. :)