jarrocha / XinuBBB

Source and guide to run Xinu on the BeagleBone Black
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When booting from MicroSD Card #2

Closed iheartcoffee closed 3 years ago

iheartcoffee commented 3 years ago

I tried booting with the uEnv.txt settings as explained by you bootfile=xinu.boot boot_mmc=fatload mmc 0 0x80200000 ${bootfile}; bootm uenvcmd=run boot_mmc

how ever the value needs to be slightly adjusted to bootfile=xinu.boot boot_mmc=fatload mmc 0 0x82000000 ${bootfile}; bootm uenvcmd=run boot_mmc

The 80200000 needs to be changed to 82000000 on the README.md

jarrocha commented 3 years ago

That load value can actually change. If you see check other guides you will see different load addresses for different people. I suspect it got to do with the version of uboot in use.