Closed carpii closed 1 year ago
If you implement your UI in Python (which is honestly the best option for a Python-based library), there's already such a command (just not exposed as a CLI tool).
If you don't want to write it in Python, here's a workaround that works already on current release version:
$ python -c 'import sys, json, buku; print(json.dumps( buku.network_handler(sys.argv[1]) ))' ""
["DuckDuckGo \u2014 Privacy, simplified.", "The Internet privacy company that empowers you to seamlessly take control of your personal information online, without any tradeoffs.", null, 0, 0]
Thanks a lot for the workaround.
I agree python would be a natural choice, but I was planning on writing a golang TUI wrapper around the CLI, as I want it to integrate into an existing go app.
I'm exploring the idea of writing a TUI interface to buku (I find the CLI a little cumbersome, but also dont want to use a web UI)
Could you please consider a feature which allows buku to retrieve a url plus meta, without adding it to the database?
For example, typical CLI usage retrieves metadata but also adds to database...
Instead it could just retrieve (-r) the url, scrape the meta and then output to stdout (-j would produce JSON output)
This would assist hugely in producing a terminal based UI