jarvelov / vue-form-json-schema

Create forms using JSON schema. Bring your components!
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Make it easier for New vue developers. #78

Open PythonLinks opened 3 years ago

PythonLinks commented 3 years ago

JSON schema looks great.
I just built a gui with https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor The only problem is that when I do a tabs layout, if there is a validation error, it does not show which tab has the problem.

I took a look at the software. Basically every time something changes events have to be propogated, and maybe part of the GUI needs to change.

Sounds like a job vor vue.js. React is statically bound, that does not look like a good choice for a tree of different components.

Does vue do what I need? I have no idea. Moreover, I do not really understand vue enough to figure it out.

It would be great if this repo helped guide me more.

It would be great if you were listed on https://json-schema.org/

It would be great if you gave a theoretical understanding of why this is the way to go.

Your intro says A JSON schema based form generator without any fields!

Dramatic, but off putting for the beginner. Better if you said "Vue was designed for applications like JSON Schema. Any Vue view component works with this" Or here is the list of vue components supported.

The idea is to say, obviously such apps should be built on vue.

And then JSON Editor has a ton of examples https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor#usage

And even more examples. https://pmk65.github.io/jedemov2/dist/demo.html

Those are for developers demoing different functionailt. Of course from a sales perspective, all you need is one demo, showing rich functionality.

I hope thies helps you attract more users.

In the meantime, I need to go and read more about the Vue architecture, to find out if it is the right platform or not for json-schema applications.

So you get a compliment for that, right up saying here is an introduction to vue.

jarvelov commented 3 years ago

Hi @PythonLinks

Thank you for your feedback, it is very valuable and I appreciate you taking the time to share it with me.

Regarding what problems this library solves, I agree that it would be beneficial to write something about why the library exists in the first place and why you would choose this library over something else.

Regarding demos, every demo is hosted online over on CodeSandbox and is linked to from the README under the Demo section. I supposed this section could be complemented with some text to better infer that you can click the name of the demo to see it running. As for "showing rich functionality", the most complete example I have is the Registration Form example.

As for being listed on https://json-schema.org I haven't really thought about it but I'll contact them and see if they want to list VFJS. Thanks for the suggestion.

The intro text could use some work for sure. I appreciate your suggestion and will consider it. However, I don't think I can say that "Vue was designed for applications like JSON Schema" as that is kind of a stretch. I have in the About section here on github switched to use the following tagline: "Create forms using JSON schema. Bring your own components!". What do you think of it?

Again, thank you for your input.

vesper8 commented 3 years ago

I just built a gui with https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor

@PythonLinks Did you say you just built a UI for vue-form-json-schema?

If so would you mind sharing your work? I'm also considering building one and it would be nice to be able to improve upon yours if you've already done some of the work
