jarvisteach / appJar

Simple Tkinter GUIs in Python
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Change PagedWindow page label text color #522

Closed robertmlinden closed 4 years ago

robertmlinden commented 6 years ago


How can I change the black-boxed text color above?

jarvisteach commented 6 years ago

Don't think it's exposed (yet)...

For now, you could try: app.widgetManager.get(app.Widgets.PagedWindow, "title").posLabel.config(fg='colour')

jarvisteach commented 6 years ago

Been playing around with this. The two labels (title & position) both use the fg property.

So, if you configure the fg of the widget, they should be changed:

with app.pagedWindow("Main Title", fg='red'):

Unfortunately, that property is inherited by all the pages, so they will have red text.

You can change that when you create each page:

with app.page(fg='black'):

But, that's not ideal.

Once the PagedWindow has been created, you can change the fg property of the widget, and it won't be inherited by the pages:

with app.pagedWindow("Main Title", fg='red') as pw:

But, again, this is kind of against the ethos of appJar.

robertmlinden commented 6 years ago

Thank you! Anything helps.

robertmlinden commented 6 years ago

with app.pagedWindow("Main Title", fg='red') was sufficient for me.

backXslash commented 6 years ago

I have a similar hitch that I don't want to open an issue about unnecessarily.

I'm building a PagedWindow layout, but I need finer control over the user's ability to traverse pages. I'd like to change the functions that the "Previous" and "Next" buttons hook to, not just the button text. I'd also need to be able to enable / disable them as needed, though I'd prefer to be able to show / hide them.

Any ideas?

jarvisteach commented 6 years ago

Hi @backXslash - you're asking for a bit more than the PagedWindow supports.

You can't change the previous/next button functions, but you could add extra functions to call when those buttons are pressed. You can't hide/disabled them, but you can change their text.

However, you can very easily implement your own PagedWindow using a FrameStack. Then you can set the change parameter on the framestack, which will only let the user continue if it returns True:

from appJar import gui 

def nav(btn):
    if btn == "FIRST": app.firstFrame("Pages")
    elif btn == "NEXT": app.nextFrame("Pages")
    elif btn == "PREV": app.prevFrame("Pages")
    elif btn == "LAST": app.lastFrame("Pages")

def verify():
    # return False if you want to stop the user progressing
    return True

with gui("My Paged Window", '300x500', labelFont=16, bg='black') as app:

    with app.frameStack("Pages", start=0, change=verify):
        for i in range(10):
            with app.frame(): 
                app.label(i, bg=app.RANDOM_COLOUR())

    app.config(sticky='esw', stretch='column')

    with app.frame('buttons'):
        app.button('FIRST', nav, icon='arrow-1-backward', pos=(0, 0), tip='First')
        app.button('PREV', nav, icon='arrow-1-left', pos=(0, 1), tip='Previous')
        app.button('NEXT', nav, icon='arrow-1-right', pos=(0, 2), tip='Next')
        app.button('LAST', nav, icon='arrow-1-forward', pos=(0, 3), tip='Last')