jarvisteach / appJar

Simple Tkinter GUIs in Python
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Changing cursor color in a text input box #614

Open lowcam opened 4 years ago

lowcam commented 4 years ago

Bug Report

Sorry, this isn't truly a bug report. I just couldn't find this information on the appJar.info site. I was wondering if there was a way to change the color of the cursor in a text input box.


I am designing an app and have both a light version and a dark version. In the dark version, with dark backgrounds and light foregrounds, the cursor does not change colors and remains black. This makes selecting text difficult because I can't see where the cursor is.

Expected Behaviour

Be able to change the color of the flashing cursor to a lighter color.

Actual Behaviour

The cursor remains black which makes it hard to find with a dark background.

Any error messages produced by appJar


Sample code, demonstrating the issue

app.addLabelEntry("TextString") app.setEntryBg("TextString","#0F2439") app.setEntryFg("TextString","#9d968d")

What steps are needed to reproduce the bug

Use the above code, enter text into the text box, and try to find the cursor.

Version Information

Replace this with the result of running your code with the -v flag: python myCode.py -v appJar: 0.94.0 Python: 3.7.6 TCL: 8.6, TK: 8.6 Platform: Windows pid: 2144 locale: en_US dark_text_box

jarvisteach commented 4 years ago

Anything that's possible in Tkinter is possible in appJar!

I don't this is a config option that has been exposed through the appJar interface yet, so you'll have to use a Tkinter command on the widget.

e = app.entry('Name:', label=True, bg='black', focus=True, fg='white')
jarvisteach commented 4 years ago

Or, do it in one line:

app.entry('Name:', label=True, bg='black', focus=True, fg='white').config(insertbackground='red')