jarvisteach / appJar

Simple Tkinter GUIs in Python
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ValidationEntry set secret no effect #629

Open Kuma-Mon opened 4 years ago

Kuma-Mon commented 4 years ago

Bug Report

I try to to use ValidationEntry with secret=True, but the entry still show what I typed.

Here is what I have in python addLabelValidationEntry("Verify Password: ", 3, 0, secret=True)

I expect the ValidationEntry not show what I typed in, but it still show whatever I typed.

jarvisteach commented 3 years ago

That method of adding entries doesn't support making them secret (although it could).

If you want a validation entry to be secret, you will need to use the v1.0 approach:

app.entry("Verify Password: ", secret=True, validation=True)

I'll add this as a feature request, as all the code is there to support it, just that parameter is being ignored at the moment.