jarvisteach / appJar

Simple Tkinter GUIs in Python
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Checking on the state of enabled or disabled Labels #637

Open veggiet opened 3 years ago

veggiet commented 3 years ago

This could be a bug, an incomplete feature, something I'm doing wrong, who knows!

The basics of what I'm doing, is creating a group of labels, or images, each label or image is clickable with setLabelSubmitFunction or setImageSubmitFunction all of this works fine. When I click Submit it sends the text or image to another function.

But now I want to selectively disable labels and reenable them. I use app.disableLabel or app.disableImage and it "works" as in it changes the color of the text to gray, and it draws a semi-transparent gray over disabled images. Problem is that the Submit Function still works.

I can not find out how to add a check if app.getLabel(x).state = 'disabled': I've tried all sorts of searches in the source code, google. Tried to access the tkinter object directly with the inspect module to see if there's a state value or method and there doesn't seem to be one, which has me befuddled as to how it's figuring out how to display the Label in a disabled appearance or not.

Then I thought: Can I just change the submit function? Turns out Not! setLabelSubmitFunction seems to only add extra Submit functions... which is a novel thought, but not useful.

At this point my code is long and needs reorganization or I would share a sample.