jarzebski / Arduino-DS3231

DS3231 Real-Time-Clock
MIT License
157 stars 84 forks source link

No need to send Wire.write(DS3231_REG_TIME) after setting a time again. #20

Closed TzOk83 closed 1 year ago

TzOk83 commented 6 years ago

In the void DS3231::setDateTime(uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day, uint8_t hour, uint8_t minute, uint8_t second) there are two points where the 0x00 address is being sent - on the beginning of the transmission (which is correct) and at the end of it (which is useless).

Lines 79 - 83 should be removed from DS3231.cpp.

jarzebski commented 1 year ago

will be fixed in release 1.1.0