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Deserialize JSON data from web service into .NET class structure #253

Open jascam opened 6 years ago

jascam commented 6 years ago

I can find very little in the way of help to learn how to do this. I have a program that needs to be able to download and view/use data which is provided in the JSON format. Please give a example in VB.NET showing how to get this data into some .NET classes and become usable to me.

Migrated CodePlex Work Item Details

CodePlex Work Item ID: '8312' Vote count: '4'

jascam commented 6 years ago

C# example would be nice too

This comment was posted by trittberg on 4/19/2012

jascam commented 6 years ago

Hello kingfenix,

Thank you for using our free Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework Sample Request Service!

Your sample request is about how to deserialize JSON data into .NET class structure. If I misunderstood your requirement, please feel free to let me know.

We found some samples about it, and you can refer the following links: http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/VBASPNETSerializeJsonString-826fe266. This sample uses the JSON serializer component to perform .NET-JSON data convertion, and implements an auto-completion textbox. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Web-API-to-convert-a-JSON-0a13f21b. This sample demonstrates how to use the ASP.NET Web API to convert between a JSON document and a class graph. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Inferring-schemas-for-JSON-7a00b774. This sample demonstrates how to use the JsonValue API to convert the JSON documents into strongly-typed CLR objects.

Please let us know if these samples are helpful to you.

Thanks and have a great day!

Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework Feedback address: onecode@microsoft.com

This comment was posted by mapeng on 9/5/2012

jascam commented 6 years ago

This comment was posted by on 2/21/2013