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Windows Imaging Component in .NET #286

Closed jascam closed 6 years ago

jascam commented 6 years ago

Code for creating Windows Imaging Component codec in .net based languages mainly c#.

Migrated CodePlex Work Item Details

CodePlex Work Item ID: '8557' Vote count: '2'

jascam commented 6 years ago

Hello mladjenovic,

Thank you for using our code sample request service.

I'd like to confirm with you my understanding of the sample request:

We encounter a troublesome problem that It's given by you. But we are glad that you give us so useful inspiration.The technology metioned appear after vista Operation System. It is because that it includes by NET 3.0 framework named WIC. It used to generate thumbnail and codec the image, I think if you want to compose it, the better way is using c++/CLI. Tell you a good news is COM interop can do this work better. So if the sample idea above gets through by our team's specialist, We will arrange person to write it as quickly as possible.

Is my understanding correct? Please let me know if I misunderstood your needs.

Thanks All-In-One Code Framework http://1code.codeplex.com

This comment was posted by orichisonic on 3/24/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

First of all, thanks. Sorry for the late response. I basicly need to create codec for may custom image format so that windows shell and other WIC enabled aplication could use it.

This comment was posted by mladjenovic on 3/27/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have review your sample idea again. And I have found out a lot of topics related with your sample idea. You can use them work firstly, I immediately list them below: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/windowswic/thread/eb12e493-257d-481d-bd28-a0f232dc52e5


The first one is comes from Microsoft's MSDN forum, I think it would be feasible measure that how to draw support from com interop to implement Windows Image Component in NET enironment using CSharp language.So I introduce to you firstly.

The other one is comes from codeproject.I believe you and I all like this website. I will go on collecting the design of sample idea metioned above and provide you new information about it. Thank again for using our code sample reequest service.

This comment was posted by orichisonic on 3/27/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

Hi mladjenovic, Your sample idea is a wonderful idea. I have digged into it and found out it related with System.Windows.Media.Imaging namespace and other features could be composed. After my investigations and discoveries, I find the same issues appeared from MSDN forum. So I submitted it at once. Thank again for using our code sample reequest service.

Thanks All-In-One Code Framework http://1code.codeplex.com

This comment was posted by orichisonic on 3/28/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

Hi mladjenovic, I have posted it to our sample idea system and audit it at once. And It is a good news for you that I divided it into three version:WINFORM,WPF and c++ Win32. According to these three version to apply WIC. In the above two version ,the main technology is applying System.Media.Imaging namespace. It is because that System.Media.Imaging is wrapped WIC's function and interface. So If the sample idea would be passed and composed, It would be putted in this project website that would be downloaded by everyone.

Thanks All-In-One Code Framework http://1code.codeplex.com

This comment was posted by orichisonic on 3/29/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

This comment was posted by on 3/29/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

This comment was posted by on 4/14/2011

jascam commented 6 years ago

This comment was posted by on 2/21/2013

jascam commented 6 years ago

This comment was posted by on 5/16/2013

jascam commented 6 years ago

Issue closed by orichisonic with comment the sample idea has been submitted and it is divided to two ideas.