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Backgroundworker - Code sample to insure BackgroundWorker is started on UI thread #333

Open jascam opened 6 years ago

jascam commented 6 years ago

Under certain circumstances the BackgroundWorker Component's ProgressChanged event and RunWorkerCompleted event will run on the wrong thread.   Here is the information on this bug: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/116930/backgroundworker-components-progresschanged-and-runworkercompleted-event-run-on-wrong-thread   Please provide sample code that insures the BackgroundWorker is started on the UI thread.   This is a problem I have been trying to resolve for many months.   Thank you !

Migrated CodePlex Work Item Details

CodePlex Work Item ID: '8965' Vote count: '5'

jascam commented 6 years ago

Hello MisterT99,

Thank you for using our free Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework Sample Request Service!

Your sample request is about how to insure the BackgroundWorker that is started on the UI thread. If I misunderstood your requirement, please feel free to let me know.

I can’t open the link about the bug. If you can provide more information about the bug, it will be very helpful for our engineers to write the sample idea.

Thanks and have a great day!

Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework

This comment was posted by mapeng on 8/22/2012

jascam commented 6 years ago


Thank you for your reply.

I have resolved this problem.

Thank you for your response.


This comment was posted by MisterT99 on 8/22/2012

jascam commented 6 years ago

This comment was posted by on 2/21/2013