jascdk / Nilan_Homeassistant

Use your Home Assistant to control and read values from your Nilan air vent system
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No value in help #34

Open Lassenielsen85 opened 1 year ago

Lassenielsen85 commented 1 year ago

Hi Jasc I've followed your guide and can see that my Wemos d1 mini pro is online when I access the read control page ( I get the following values: { "status": "Modbus connection OK", "Type": 35, "RunSet": 1, "ModeSet": 1, "VentSet": 2, "TempSet": 2500, "ServiceMode": 0, "ServicePct": 5000, "Preset": 0, "requestaddress": 1000, "requestnum": 8, "operation": "read", "group": "control" }

When i access the help page ( i get no values at all: { "temp": 0, "alarm": 0, "time": 0, "control": 0, "speed": 0, "airtemp": 0, "airflow": 0, "airheat": 0, "program": 0, "user": 0, "user2": 0, "info": 0, "inputairtemp": 0, "app": 0, "output": 0, "display1": 0, "display2": 0, "display": 0, "operation": "help", "group": "" } However, when i access the read control page ( i get some values: { "status": "Modbus connection OK", "AirFlap": 1, "SmokeFlap": 1, "BypassOpen": 0, "BypassClose": 1, "AirCircPump": 0, "AirHeatAllow": 0, "AirHeat_1": 0, "AirHeat_2": 0, "AirHeat_3": 0, "Compressor": 1, "Compressor_2": 0, "4WayCool": 0, "HotGasHeat": 0, "HotGasCool": 0, "CondOpen": 1, "CondClose": 0, "WaterHeat": 0, "3WayValve": 0, "CenCircPump": 0, "CenHeat_1": 0, "CenHeat_2": 0, "CenHeat_3": 0, "CenHeatExt": 1, "UserFunc": 0, "UserFunc_2": 0, "Defrosting": 0, "requestaddress": 100, "requestnum": 26, "operation": "read", "group": "output" }

Do you have a suggestion yo what could be the reason i don't get any temperature readings?

Best regards Lasse

Lassenielsen85 commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention that I have Nilan 302 polar with CTS602 combined with the HMI350T. From Nilans homepage it says it is the modbus version 22, I guess this could have something to do with me only seing some values.

Lassenielsen85 commented 1 year ago

I found out that it is only the help section that i don't see the values. If I enter any of the read sections (control, output, temp or info) i see all the values listed there.

jascdk commented 1 year ago

Hey. If I were you - I would strongly recommend using this repo instead https://github.com/Jopand/esphome_components . Much better and stable. Look at the Nilan/Homeassistant community on Facebook for more info on HW etc.

Lassenielsen85 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply! I will definitely look into the esphome_components.