jaseg / python-mpv

Python interface to the awesome mpv media player
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Cannot load mpv.config (Windows) #259

Closed Axle-Ozz-i-sofT closed 7 months ago

Axle-Ozz-i-sofT commented 1 year ago

Hi I am attempting to load the mpv.conf file at start up using the mpv_set_option_string() I have tried: ctx = mpv.MPV(config='yes') ctx['config'] = 'yes'|True ctx['include'] = 'Fullpath\mpv.conf' ctx['include'] = 'mpv.conf' ctx['config-dir'] = 'Fullpath\mpv.conf\mpv.conf'

This library is a very different API to the default MPV/libmpv C API and no documents makes it very difficult :( How do I load the mpv.conf from my main.py script? And do you know of, have an API reference or guide?

regards Axle

jaseg commented 11 months ago

According to mpv's client.h doc you would have to pass both options to the constructor (so that they are set as options before initialization): mpv.MPV(config=True, config_dir=...). Note that AFAICT config_dir takes the directory where mpv.conf is located, not the path of the file itself.

Axle-Ozz-i-sofT commented 11 months ago

Thank you @jaseg Sorry for the late reply. I will remove the mpv.conf and just use the path. I had used the file name in both C and FreeBASIC with success so had thought the file name was required. I will remove the file name and try it with all 3 (C, FB and Py).

I just checked back on what I did and I went with: (I was attempting to not place configs/options in mpv.MPV(config=True, config_dir=...) as I had about 12 common start up settings(options) to exemplify.)

## main()
ctx = mpv.MPV()
... etc
ctx.include = 'mpv.conf'

ctx.input_default_bindings = 'yes' ctx.input_vo_keyboard = True ... (many more ctx.[option] etc) ctx.play(filename) ctx.wait_until_playing() # ctx.wait_for_playback() ... etc ctx.terminate()

The above is working but I will retry with the path only option.
This was to set the On Screen Controller to 'always visible' wich can only be done in mpv.conf.

Set OSC Visibility to always show.


I was a bit confused between:
ctx['some-option'] = 
ctx.some_property =

as the Options and Properties tend to blend a little in the help docs.

Thank you
Axle :)
jaseg commented 11 months ago

I would be surprised if the line ctx.include = 'mpv.conf' did anything. According to the doc, include when used as a property, which in python-mpv means ctx.like_this instead of mpv.MPV(like='this'), it only works before mpv_initialize is called. python-mpv calls that during construction of the context, so the only way include should work would be as an argument to the constructor mpv.MPV(like='this').

Since script-opts is also a command-line option, passing it to the constructor should work: mpv.MPV(script_opts='foobar').

Axle-Ozz-i-sofT commented 11 months ago

Hi @jaseg Yeah, I Have mostly been focused upon setting up actual libraries in C, FB and Py for the moment and creating basic "Hello worlds" examples for each library. This is for some "Beginners programming" guides/books that I am writing. The current book 3 is focused upon setting up (compiling etc.) the libraries in all 3 languages on Window and Linux. I have done TUI with Curses, Graphics with raylib and raygui, Plotting with GNU Plot, DB with SQLite and now MPV. I did do some encoding/encryption and SDL_BGI as extra supplemental as well. Keeping it simple + having the C language component I have kept to a "Procedural" orientation as much as I can in the books. Python being native OOP (especially the libraries) has introduced some challenges lol I even wrote a procedural orientated Python binder for SQLite so I could keep the C API. I have almost finished the complete draft of book 3 and just gave a copy to my lecturer to peruse/proof read, so I will retest most of the examples and no doubt re-write some. In the next books 4, 5 and 6 I will focus on creating some usable projects using the libraries from book 3, so I will iron out any of my mistakes with MPV at that point and revise book 3 to match.

This is the draft example I am using for libmpv. I have to clean out some of the comments and tidy the explanations but this is working on Windows 10 and Lubuntu 20.04 at the moment. I wanted the OSC to display at start up thus the mpv.conf Thank you for your suggestions/help. It is very much appreciated. Note: mpv.conf IS loading so I guess you can call this solved or not an issue. The following is just for perusal/suggestions at your leisure. I still haven't worked out the event call back, wait_event event_id routine yet.


# Set OSC Visibility to always show.

Python 3.9 x64

# Name:        simple_exe.py
# Purpose:     Demonstrate the use of a basic graphical (windowed) multimedia
#              player using libmpv. libmpv is part of the MPV Media Player
#              application and development environment.
# Title:       "MPV API Tests"
# Platform:    Win64, Ubuntu64
# Depends:     mpv-dev-x86_64-20230611 (libmpv-2.dll, libmpv.so), mpv.py
# Requires:    mpv.py, libmpv-2.dll|so must be in the application directory or
#              the system path.
# Author:      Axle
# Created:     04/07/2023
# Updated:
# Copyright:   (c) Axle 2023
# Licence:     MIT-0 No Attribution
# This is a simple example of how to invoke the MPV player window using libmpv.
# This is not indifferent from using the mpv.com and mpv.exe player from the
# command line, except with more control over the player. The player controls
# are embedded into the built in playback window On Screen Control (OSC) so it
# is easy to use MPV as a simple video splash screen or basic player. libmpv
# can also be controlled from  the calling application by making use of the OS
# callbacks and sending commands to MPV.
# The most ideal, and quite complex method is to embed the MPV player window,
# or control directly within a window using a GUI or graphics library such as SDL.
# Note that multimedia rendering, manipulation and playback programming can be
# a quite challenging task where it is almost a programming speciality of its
# own like game programming. I am only going to show the basics to get the
# library up and running so that you have a base environment to experiment with.
# I would also recommend gaining some experience with using the MPV CLI
# (mpv.com and mpv.exe). Also take some time to become familiar with FFMpeg.
# FFMpeg is a multimedia library used in many projects. MPV makes use of the
# ffmpeg library, but adds a more user friendly layer.
# At this time the mpv player callback routine is not implemented. mpv.py
# uses a different API to the official libmpv and documentation is scarce.

import os
import sys
import time

## Place mpv.py in the project directory next to you python script.
## Change the following line in "mpv.py' Line: 38 as ctypes.util.find_library()
## cannot find the libmpv.dll on Windows.
## dll = ctypes.util.find_library('mpv-2.dll') or ctypes.util.find_library('mpv-1.dll')
## dll = os.path.join(sys.path[0], "libmpv-2.dll")

import mpv

def main():

    # Warn that it is best to run from the OS console.
    if 1 == Con_IsREPL():
        print("This application is best viewed running from the OS Command interpreter")

    # "pexels-street-donkey-3706265-1920x1080-30fps~1.mp4"
    filename = "Cascading_water.mp4"

    # Start the MPV library instance libmpv-2.dll/libmpv.so
        ctx = mpv.MPV()  # config='yes'|True
        print("failed creating context.")
        return 1

    #mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "include", "mpv.conf"))
    # The following OPTIONS and Properties command are a little ambiguous.
    # OPTIONS are typically set before player start and
    # Properties during playback.
    # Note the hyphen vs underscore.
    #ctx['some-option'] = "yes|no", True|False  # From OPTIONS (Startup?)
    #ctx.some_property = "yes|no", True|False  # From Properties? (runtime?)
    # Many of these options can be configured in the configuration files.
    #ctx.include = 'Drive:\\FullPath\\mpv.conf'
    ctx.include = 'mpv.conf'

    # Enable default key bindings, so the user can actually interact with
    # the player (and e.g. close the window).
    #ctx['input-default-bindings'] = True  # 'yes' ?
    ctx.input_default_bindings = 'yes'
    #ctx['input-vo-keyboard'] = True  # 'yes' ?
    ctx.input_vo_keyboard = True  # 'yes' ? (input-vo-keyboard -> input_vo_keyboard)
    # Set the Window title.
    #ctx['title'] = 'MPV API Tests'
    ctx.title = 'MPV API Tests'
    # The following currently fails.
    ctx.focus_on_open = True  # ??
    # Keep the window open. If there is no video playing mpv will send
    # MPV_EVENT_NONE and the window will close automatically without interactive
    # control to close the application. This can be handled in other ways when
    # using a GUI window from a graphics library instead of the built in
    # window
    #ctx['keep-open'] = 'yes'
    ctx.keep_open = True  # 'yes'
    # Set the static window dimensions. Default is auto size to the video playing.
    #ctx['geometry'] = '800x600'
    ctx.geometry = '800x600'
    # Loop (play the video) x number of times.
    #ctx['loop-file'] = '1'  # 0, 1 = 2 times, 2 = 3 times.
    ctx.loop_file = '1'  # 0, 1 = 2 times, 2 = 3 times.
    # osc-visibility=always | Must be done in mpc.config, or osc.config
    # In mpv.py must be set --osc=True to show the OSC.
    #ctx['osc'] = True  # 1
    ctx.osc = True
    # Set the play start position.
    #ctx['start'] = "00:10"
    #ctx.start = "00:10"
    # Set to start paused.
    #ctx['pause'] = ''
    #ctx.pause = ''
    # Rotate the video.
    #ctx['video-rotate'] = '90'
    #ctx.video_rotate = '90'
    # set the start volume percent.
    #ctx['volume'] = '20'  # 0 - 100%
    #ctx.volume = '20'  # 0 - 100%
    # Start in fullscreen mode.
    #ctx['fullscreen'] = ''
    #ctx.fullscreen = ''

    # Done setting up start options.

    # Starts the MPV Player instance.
    ctx.wait_until_playing() # <- Yes, Non Blocking
    #ctx.wait_for_playback()  # Wait Blocking

    # mpv_command() controls the MPV player from here on. Not yet implemented.

    # Sending additional control commands should be done from a separate thread
    # to the generic call backs in the loop below. It is expected that libmpv
    # will be used within the context of a GUI or graphical windowing environment.
    # SEE asynchronous API, mpv_command_async().
    # https://mpv.io/manual/master/#list-of-input-commands
    # SEE: synchronous vs asynchronous
    # Asynchronous is a non-blocking architecture, passes arguments and continues without waiting.
    # Synchronous is a blocking architecture, passes arguments and waits for return before continuing.

    # Let it play, and wait until the user quits.
    do_task = 1  # Flag to set end while on MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN.
    count = 0
    ## MPV Player callbacks not yet implemented.
    while (do_task):

        ## DEBUG routine
        count += 1
        if count > 5:
            do_task = 0

    #ctx.wait_for_playback()  # Wait Blocking (aka wait for player to finish).
    ctx.terminate()  # Shut down player and all libmpv(dll/so) contexts.

    return None
    ## END main()

## Not implemented.
def check_error(status):
    if (status < 0):
        print("mpv API error: ", mpv_error_string(status))  ## TODO

# ====> Convenience helper functions

# Test if we are inside of the REPL interactive interpreter.
# This function is in alpha and may not work as expected.
def Con_IsREPL():
    import os
    if os.sys.stdin and os.sys.stdin.isatty():
        if os.isatty(os.sys.stdout.fileno()):
            return 0  # OS Command Line
            return 1  # REPL - Interactive Linux?
        return 1  # REPL - Interactive Windows?
    return None

# Console Pause wrapper.
def Con_Pause():
    dummy = ""
    dummy = input("Press [Enter] key to continue...")
    return None

if __name__ == '__main__':


// Name:        simple_ex.c
// Purpose:     Demonstrate the use of a basic graphical (windowed) multimedia
//              player using libmpv. libmpv is part of the MPV Media Player
//              application and development environment.
// Title:       "MPV API Tests"
// Platform:    Win64, Ubuntu64
// Compiler:    GCC V9.x.x, MinGw-64, libc (ISO C99)
// Depends:     mpv-dev-x86_64-20230611 (libmpv-2.dll, libmpv.so)
// Requires:
// Author:      Axle
// Created:     20/06/2023
// Updated:
// Version:
// Copyright:   (c) Axle 2022
// Licence:     MIT-0 No Attribution
// This is a simple example of how to invoke the MPV player window using libmpv.
// This is not indifferent from using the mpv.com and mpv.exe player from the
// command line, except with more control over the player. The player controls
// are embedded into the built in playback window On Screen Control (OSC) so it
// is easy to use MPV as a simple video splash screen or basic player. libmpv
// can also be controlled from  the calling application by making use of the OS
// callbacks and sending commands to MPV.
// The most ideal, and quite complex method is to embed the MPV player window,
// or control directly within a window using a GUI or graphics library such as SDL.
// Note that multimedia rendering, manipulation and playback programming can be
// a quite challenging task where it is almost a programming speciality of its
// own like game programming. I am only going to show the basics to get the
// library up and running so that you have a base environment to experiment with.
// I would also recommend gaining some experience with using the MPV CLI
// (mpv.com and mpv.exe). Also take some time to become familiar with FFMpeg.
// FFMpeg is a multimedia library used in many projects. MPV makes use of the
// ffmpeg library, but adds a more user friendly layer.
// Build with: gcc -o simple simple.c `pkg-config --libs --cflags mpv`

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined(_WIN32) // Windows 32-bit and 64-bit
    #include "client.h"  // libmpv gui player header.
#elif defined(__unix__) // _linux__ (__linux__)
    #include <mpv/client.h>  // libmpv gui player header.


//https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/libmpv/client.h <-###
//https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-examples/tree/master/libmpv <-###

static inline void check_error(int status);

int Con_Sleep(int seconds);
// Safe Pause
void S_Pause(void);
// Safe getchar() removes all artefacts from the stdin buffer.
int S_getchar(void);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 2) {
        printf("pass a single media file as argument\n");
        return 1;

    // "pexels-street-donkey-3706265-1920x1080-30fps~1.mp4"
    const char *filename = "Cascading_water.mp4";

    // Start the MPV library instance libmpv-2.dll/libmpv.so
    mpv_handle *ctx = mpv_create();
    if (!ctx)
        printf("failed creating context.\n");
        return 1;

    // You can call mpv_set_property() (or mpv_set_property_string() and
    // * other variants ( before mpv 0.21.0 mpv_set_option())

    // --include=<configuration-file>
    // Many of these options can be configured in the configuration files.
    // https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#configuration-files
    // https://mpv.io/manual/stable/#options
    // https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv-examples/tree/master/libmpv#where-are-the-docs
    // https://mpv.io/manual/master/#list-of-input-commands  <-###
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "include", "mpv.conf"));
    // Enable default key bindings, so the user can actually interact with
    // the player (and e.g. close the window).
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "input-default-bindings", "yes"));
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "input-vo-keyboard", "yes"));
    // Set the Window title.
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "title", "MPV API Tests"));
    // Keep the window open. If there is no video playing mpv will send
    // MPV_EVENT_NONE and the window will close automatically without interactive
    // control to close the application. This can be handled in other ways when
    // using a GUI window from a graphics library instead of the built in
    // window.
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "keep-open", "yes"));
    // Set the static window dimensions. Default is auto size to the video playing.
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "geometry", "800x600"));
    // Loop (play the video) x number of times.
    check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "loop-file", "1"));  // 0, 1 = 2 times, 2 = 3 times.
    // osc-visibility=always | Must be done in mpc.config, or osc.config
    // Set the play start position.
    //check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "start", "00:10"));
    // Set to start paused.
    //check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "pause", ""));
    // Rotate the video.
    //check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "video-rotate", "90"));
    // set the start volume percent.
    //check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "volume", "20"));  // 0 - 100%
    // Start in fullscreen mode.
    //check_error(mpv_set_option_string(ctx, "fullscreen", ""));

    // This is used by the internal mpv_node structure which holds an array of
    // configurations and commands. It is an internal data structure for MPV.
    // The following sets the on screen controls to =ON=1.
    // This is a more advanced version of mpv_set_option_string()
    int val1 = 1;
    check_error(mpv_set_option(ctx, "osc", MPV_FORMAT_FLAG, &val1));

    // Done setting up start options.

    // Starts the MPV Player instance.
    // mpv_command() controls the MPV player from here on.

    // Play this file. NULL a terminator for the list of strings (aka END of commands).
    // Commands are taken as a comma separated list of commands (*arg) similar to above.
    const char *cmd1[] = {"loadfile", filename, NULL};  // argv[1]

     * Send a command to the player. Commands are the same as those used in
     * input.conf, except that this function takes parameters in a pre-split
     * form.
     * The commands and their parameters are documented in input.rst.
     * Does not use OSD and string expansion by default (unlike mpv_command_string()
     * and input.conf).
     * @param[in] args NULL-terminated list of strings. Usually, the first item
     *                 is the command, and the following items are arguments.
     * @return error code
    //MPV_EXPORT int mpv_command(mpv_handle *ctx, const char **args);

    check_error(mpv_command(ctx, cmd1));

    //const char *cmd2[] = {"cycle", "pause", NULL};
    //check_error(mpv_command(ctx, cmd2));

    // Sending additional control commands should be done from a separate thread
    // to the generic call backs in the loop below. It is expected that libmpv
    // will be used within the context of a GUI or graphical windowing environment.
    // SEE asynchronous API, mpv_command_async().
    // https://mpv.io/manual/master/#list-of-input-commands
    // SEE: synchronous vs asynchronous
    // Asynchronous is a non-blocking architecture, passes arguments and continues without waiting.
    // Synchronous is a blocking architecture, passes arguments and waits for return before continuing.

    // script-opts=osc-visibility=always
    //const char *cmd3[] = {"script-opts=osc-visibility", "always", NULL};  // argv[1]
    //check_error(mpv_command(ctx, cmd3));

    // Let it play, and wait until the user quits.
    int do_task = 1;  // Flag to set end while on MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN.
    while (do_task)

        // It is also possible to integrate client API
        //  * usage in other event loops (e.g. GUI toolkits) with the
        //  * mpv_set_wakeup_callback() function, and then polling for events by calling
        //  * mpv_wait_event() with a 0 timeout.

        // Event IDs must be captured from the OS event queue or a Graphics,
        // GUI toolkit event queue. This applies to all keyboard and mouse events.
        // In this case the OSC would be switched to off I suspect.

        // mpv_event,[mpv_event_id event_id, int error, uint64_t reply_userdata, oid *data]
        mpv_event *event = mpv_wait_event(ctx, 10000);

        printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG
        // This loop only monitors a small amount of event data. Keycode and mouse
        // events are not included and will need to be acquired separately.
        // Avoid sending mpv_command() from this loop, but instead create a separate
        // thread for this task. See: pthreads.h, or if using a Graphics/GUI library
        // you may be able to use the threading API as well as keyboard event
        // handling from that library.
        // SEE: synchronous vs asynchronous
        switch (event->event_id)
            case MPV_EVENT_NONE:  //              = 0
                printf("MPV_EVENT_NONE\n");  // DEBUG
                // Happens when the player quits. Use in keep-open mode to access
                // the MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN, or do a shutdown task with mpv_destroy()
                // or mpv_terminate_destroy().
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG
                do_task = 0;

            case MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN:  //          = 1
                printf("MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG
                do_task = 0;

            case MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE:  //       = 2
                printf("MPV_EVENT_LOG_MESSAGE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_GET_PROPERTY_REPLY:  // = 3
                printf("MPV_EVENT_GET_PROPERTY_REPLY\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_SET_PROPERTY_REPLY:  // = 4
                printf("MPV_EVENT_NONE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_COMMAND_REPLY:  //     = 5
                printf("MPV_EVENT_SET_PROPERTY_REPLY\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_START_FILE:  //        = 6
                printf("MPV_EVENT_START_FILE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_END_FILE:  //          = 7
                printf("MPV_EVENT_END_FILE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG
                //do_task = 0;

            case MPV_EVENT_FILE_LOADED:  //       = 8
                printf("MPV_EVENT_FILE_LOADED\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_IDLE:  //              = 11
                printf("MPV_EVENT_IDLE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_TICK:  //              = 14
                printf("MPV_EVENT_TICK\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE:  //    = 16
                printf("MPV_EVENT_CLIENT_MESSAGE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_VIDEO_RECONFIG:  //    = 17
                printf("MPV_EVENT_VIDEO_RECONFIG\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_AUDIO_RECONFIG:  //    = 18
                printf("MPV_EVENT_AUDIO_RECONFIG\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_SEEK:  //              = 20
                printf("MPV_EVENT_SEEK\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_PLAYBACK_RESTART:  //  = 21
                printf("MPV_EVENT_PLAYBACK_RESTART\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE:  //   = 22
                printf("MPV_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_QUEUE_OVERFLOW:  //    = 24
                printf("MPV_EVENT_QUEUE_OVERFLOW\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            case MPV_EVENT_HOOK:  //              = 25
                printf("MPV_EVENT_HOOK\n");  // DEBUG
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

                printf("Defualt. No Value.\n");
                //printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));  // DEBUG

            }  // END while
        mpv_event *event = mpv_wait_event(ctx, 10000);
        printf("event: %s\n", mpv_event_name(event->event_id));
        if (event->event_id == MPV_EVENT_SHUTDOWN)

    mpv_terminate_destroy(ctx);  // Shut down all libmpv(dll/so) contexts.

    return 0;

static inline void check_error(int status)
    if (status < 0)
        printf("mpv API error: %s\n", mpv_error_string(status));

// ====> Convenience helper functions

int Con_Sleep(int seconds)
    // #include <stdlib.h>
    // Cross platform sleep in seconds
#ifdef _WIN32 // Windows 32-bit and 64-bit
    seconds = seconds * 1000;
    _sleep( seconds );  // Note _sleep is deprecated
#ifdef __unix__ // _linux__ (__linux__)
    return 0;

// Safe Pause
void S_Pause(void)
    // This function is referred to as a wrapper for S_getchar()
    printf("Press Enter to continue...");
    S_getchar();// Uses S_getchar() for safety.

// Safe getchar() removes all artefacts from the stdin buffer.
int S_getchar(void)
    // This function is referred to as a wrapper for getchar()
    int i = 0;
    int ret;
    int ch;

    // The following enumerates all characters in the buffer.
    while(((ch = getchar()) !='\n') && (ch != EOF ))
        // But only keeps and returns the first char.
        if (i < 1)
            ret = ch;
    return ret;


jaseg commented 7 months ago

That looks like a nice example script!