jashah46 / Fantasy-Football

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1. Fantasy Football Login #1

Open jashah46 opened 3 years ago

jashah46 commented 3 years ago
  1. When an user visits the app the user logs with an email and password. After the user logs in the user is presented with a dropdown menu.
jashah46 commented 3 years ago

Given a user wants to use this app When the user first accesses the application Then the user should see a login form And the user should see a registration form

Given a user wants to use the app When the user has previously authenticated (i.e. a activeUser token exists in session storage) Then the user should see the app UI components

Given the user fills out the registration form When the user clicks the Register button And the username is unique Then the login and register form should disappear and the main app components should be rendered

Given the user fills out the login form When the user clicks the Login button And the username exists Then the login and register form should disappear and the main app components should be rendered