jashkenas / coffeescript

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Bug: yield cannot be used in do -> expressions reliably? #5461

Closed borkdude closed 5 months ago

borkdude commented 5 months ago

I expect yield to be used anywhere in a function, but it seems do -> breaks this expectation since it's compiled to an IIFE.



Note that I'm only theoretically interested in a solution as I'm writing my own to-JS transpiler and was wondering if CoffeeScript authors have thought about this more than I have. More info here.

edemaine commented 5 months ago

I would not view this as a bug, but as intended semantics: do -> literally means to build a function (->) and call it (do) — very different from the TC39 do proposal. This functionality of do -> is useful, for example, if you want to build a generator right now. For example:

processGenerator do ->
  yield 1
  yield 2
  yield 3

Here's [a more real-world example with async](https://coffeescript.org/#try:await%20Promise.all(%0A%20%20for%20url%20of%20urls%0A%20%20%20%20do%20-%3E%20await%20(await%20fetch%20url).json()%0A)), where do enables await syntax without "infecting" the entire function:

  for url of urls
    do -> await (await fetch url).json()

I think where CoffeeScript's behavior is less intuitive is when it happens with implicit IIFEs; see #5363 where I asked about return inside a for loop, but the same applies to yield within a for loop. We actually get my intended behavior from #5363 in Civet, but not when it's a for-loop expression which, as #5363 details, is hard to transpile. We've discussed this some in a Civet context, where we plan to do more thorough rewriting to handle cases like this, but haven't tackled it yet. See https://github.com/DanielXMoore/Civet/issues/202 and https://github.com/DanielXMoore/Civet/issues/381.

borkdude commented 5 months ago

Makes sense, I interpreted do -> as the TC39 proposal. The babel transpiler for that proposal does the thing I would expect (for implicit IIFEs).

edemaine commented 5 months ago

Cool, I didn't know about that plugin. I agree that it works well with yield, but it doesn't work well with return (compare with the proposal) and doesn't support break.

borkdude commented 5 months ago

but it doesn't work well with return and doesn't support break

luckily for my language (squint) this isn't a problem since it is expression-oriented and therefore doesn't support explicitly returning things. I think it could be a reasonable trade-off for do expressions too since they have an implicit return value, maybe it should even barf on an explicit return


borkdude commented 5 months ago

Here is an illustration of generator functions in squint
