jashkenas / coffeescript

Unfancy JavaScript
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First letter of subdirectory names missing when using -o option #829

Closed zdzolton closed 13 years ago

zdzolton commented 13 years ago


It seems that when using the -c and -o options together (to output a directory structure full of JavaScript files to mirror a directory structure full of CoffeeScript files) that the first letter of each nested directory's name is missing!

Here's a terminal session illustrating the bug:

Code $ mkdir -p ./coffee-bug/foo/bar && cd coffee-bug
coffee-bug $ touch ./foo/bar/baz.coffee
coffee-bug $ coffee -co quux ./foo
coffee-bug $ ls -lR ./quux
total 0
drwxr-xr-x  3 zach  staff  102 Nov  3 14:08 ar

total 8
-rw-r--r--  1 zach  staff  30 Nov  3 14:08 baz.js

Note how in this example the coffee command created a directory named "ar", nested under "quux", instead of "bar" like it was supposed to.

FWIW, I'm using node v0.2.4 and coffee v0.9.4.



jashkenas commented 13 years ago

Sorry about 0.9.4 -- I can confirm that this bug no longer exists on the latest master. You can give that a try now, or wait for a point release...

zdzolton commented 13 years ago

Oh, it's no prob. Just wanted to make sure you knew about the bug.