jasiek / OctoPrint-Cost

Cost-estimation plugin for OctoPrint
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plugin not working #3

Open tomsepe opened 7 years ago

tomsepe commented 7 years ago

I have the 1.3.0 version of Octoprint running on a Raspberry Pi and the cost estimator does not appear to be working. I have "$" for the currency, "1" for cost per hour and "0.4" for cost per meter. Output shows "-" on the Octoprint sidebar.

bizziebis commented 7 years ago

I noticed this also. I think it has something to do with OctoPrint 1.3.0 now supporting folder structure in the upload folder. Haven't yet found the real reason.

kjones200 commented 7 years ago

I am having this same problem on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Octoprint 1.3.0. I installed the plugin via the print plugin manager.

bizziebis commented 7 years ago

My problem was actually caused by the Slicer plugin. It didn't fill in the filament usage and the volume used. Thus the Cost plugin couldn't calculate the costs and shows "-". You need version 0.8.3 of the Slicer plugin. OctoPrint still shows version 0.8.1 as the latest version.

My second problem was with the configuration of the Cost plugin. Don't use a comma "," to fill in your costs but use a dot "." Instead. Otherwise your costs will show up as "€NaN".

kjones200 commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure I follow the first part of your response. I generate gcode using the actually slicer application (v1.31.6). I was unaware there is a slicer plugin for octoprint. How are the filament usage and volume used outputs via slicer application?

tomsepe commented 7 years ago

I'm generating my gcode via Cura on my laptop and just uploading the gcode to Octoprint on the Pi. Does the cost plugin depend upon the Slicr plugin?

derpicknicker1 commented 7 years ago

The cost plugin depends on the metadata of the file. This metadata is generated by file analysis when you upload a gcode file. Octoprint does this analysis also when you use a slicer from within octoprint. But it seems like there is something wrong with getting the values for used filament. This issue is allready reported. See here: https://github.com/foosel/OctoPrint/issues/1685

For uploaded gcode the cost plugin works fine for me in octoprint 1.3.0.

derpicknicker1 commented 7 years ago

Gina announced that this issue will be fixed in 1.3.1

azalanono commented 7 years ago

I am using octoprint 1.3.4 (stable) on Raspberry Pi. My impression is that displaying printing costs depends somehow on the size of the printjob.

I generate several jobs from same slic3r. Some show printing costs, some don't. And it happens more or less always on bigger printing jobs (>20MB, running >24 hours), that no costs are displayed.

It would be a great idea to implement a "force calculation" into cost estimator and also to detect missing/faulty metadata (and trigger hereby automatically "force calculation". The forced calculation should then parse the whole GCODE file to find out the length/quantity of filament and the printing time, using that results as base for calculation.

Nothing is worser than not reliably working software.