jasminb / megastoragemanager

Android application providing sync and data management tools for mega cloud storage
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Refresh button on the Sync tab does nothing #16

Open ja02 opened 9 years ago

ja02 commented 9 years ago

The Refresh button on the Sync tab does not seem to do anything useful. I suggest to make it launch the sync process for all defined syncs. The animation of the button could then signalize it's in progress. If implemented, I also suggest to remove the SYNC item from the SYNC tab context menu.

For consistent behaviour, I suggest either to add a SYNC finished toaster when the sync process finishes or remove the toast currently shown when the process starts (and just signal via the animated button).

jasminb commented 9 years ago

Currently Refresh re-fetches sync entries from DB and shows updated stats (eg. after running sync process, check that progress changed).

ja02 commented 9 years ago

Similarly to issue #15, I suggest to autoupdate the tab based on a hidden dirty flag instead of having a manual button. The flag would be set e.g. when a download / upload occurs.

Then the button can be converted into a nice sync process launcher / state indicator.

Please also do not forget about the missing sync process end notification toast. Do you want me to create a separate issue for it?

jasminb commented 9 years ago

Sync process is something that can last for an hour, it is not realistic to expect that user will be viewing the sync tab as long as it takes for sync to complete.

I agree about event tho, I will check it out and see what would it take to make it happen.

ja02 commented 9 years ago

If it's a long process, then it makes even more sense to somehow indicate to the user its state. Every time the user comes back to the tab, he will see an animated button (twisting arrows) if the sync process is running or the animation would be stalled if the sync process is not running and the user will be able to launch it by pressing the button. For the user it would be the same visual experience as in a web browser. And can be reused on the other two tabs as well (at the moment they show the progress indicator within the area which displays files / folders and the Refresh button is not animated). As I have seen on the SYNC menu item in the SYNC tab context menu, you already have the graphic resource ready.

Plus, the tab would auto-refresh every time the user switches to the tab (but only if it is necessary, of course, that is, the dirty flag is set). The refresh action seems to be a very quick one on my phone - I hardly notice something is happening.