jason-johnson / azure-pipelines-tasks-terraform

Azure Pipelines extension for Terraform
MIT License
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False terraform change / plan detection #333

Open lerlacher-haylix opened 1 year ago

lerlacher-haylix commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

268 has been closed, long live #268!

There is another edge case for terraform plan detection.

If the plan has no changes to apply, but would update terraform state / output, it prints this:

You can apply this plan to save these new output values to the Terraform state, without changing any real infrastructure.

The terraform plan exit code is 2 (terraformPlanOkHasChanges), but the const planHasNoChangesRe = /^No changes./ regex will not match and so we get back to the same old failure state of "there should be a plan uploaded but there isn't one" which breaks the terraform plan view because of an unexpected unhandled 404.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up a terraform pipeline with two terraform plan invocations with plan publishing
  2. change something in the state / on the infrastructure that causes the output to change but no infrastructure changes for the first plan invocation
  3. change something that causes a real change in the second plan invocation
  4. run the pipeline
  5. Observe that there is a 404 on the plan view and no plans are shown

Sample pipeline output:

2023-03-08T03:13:28.3721191Z state, without changing any real infrastructure.
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3721661Z â•·
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3722147Z │ Warning: Argument is deprecated
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3722680Z │ 
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3723278Z │   with module.base.module.logbucket.aws_s3_bucket.public-lb-log-bucket,
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3724119Z │   on .terraform/modules/base.logbucket/aws/elb_log_bucket/S3.tf line 2, in resource "aws_s3_bucket" "public-lb-log-bucket":
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3724890Z │    2: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "public-lb-log-bucket" {
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3725535Z │ 
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3726099Z │ Use the aws_s3_bucket_lifecycle_configuration resource instead
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3726559Z │ 
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3727062Z │ (and 3 more similar warnings elsewhere)
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3727527Z ╵
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3728404Z ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3728931Z Saved the plan to: /home/vsts/work/1/s/clients/kantarnebu/kantarnebu.tfplan
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3729611Z To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3730041Z     terraform apply "/home/vsts/work/1/s/clients/kantarnebu/kantarnebu.tfplan"
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3731553Z ##[debug]Exit code 2 received from tool '/usr/local/bin/terraform'
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3732440Z ##[debug]STDIO streams have closed for tool '/usr/local/bin/terraform'
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3733187Z ##[debug]set TERRAFORM_PLAN_HAS_CHANGES=true
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3742175Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.setvariable variable=TERRAFORM_PLAN_HAS_CHANGES;isOutput=false;issecret=false;]true
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3743394Z ##[debug]Publish plan results requested. Parsing plan output first...
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3744422Z ##[debug]publishPlanResults=kantarnebu-stage.planout
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3745153Z ##[debug]workingDirectory=/home/vsts/work/1/s/clients/kantarnebu
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3746049Z ##[debug]publishPlanResults=kantarnebu-stage.planout
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3747051Z ##[debug]Absolute path for pathSegments: /home/vsts/work/1/s/clients/kantarnebu,kantarnebu-stage.planout = /home/vsts/work/1/s/clients/kantarnebu/kantarnebu-stage.planout
2023-03-08T03:13:28.3765771Z ##[debug]Processed: ##vso[task.addattachment type=terraform-plan-results;name=kantarnebu-stage.planout;]/home/vsts/work/1/s/clients/kantarnebu/kantarnebu-stage.planout

Expected behavior

The case where there is no real infrastructure change in the plan should be handled



Pipeline Logs

See above

Agent Configuration

Additional context

This is very similar to #268