jason-neal / companion_simulations

Simulating combined host+companion spectra, and fitting to observed crires spectra.
MIT License
2 stars 0 forks source link

Scheduled biweekly dependency update for week 07 #41

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

astropy 2.0.4 » 3.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
numba 0.36.2 » 0.37.0 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
sqlalchemy 1.2.2 » 1.2.3 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
hypothesis 3.44.26 » 3.45.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo


astropy 2.0.4 -> 3.0



New Features

astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • New context manager set_enabled_constants to temporarily use an older version. [7008]

astropy.convolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • The Distance object now accepts parallax as a keyword in the initializer, and supports retrieving a parallax (as an Angle) via the .parallax attributes. [6855]

  • The coordinate frame classes (subclasses of BaseCoordinateFrame) now always have .velocity, .proper_motion, and .radial_velocity properties that provide shorthands to the full-space Cartesian velocity as a CartesianDifferential, the 2D proper motion as a Quantity, and the radial or line-of-sight velocity as a Quantity. [6869]

  • SkyCoord objects now support storing and tranforming differentials - i.e., both radial velocities and proper motions. [6944]

  • All frame classes now automatically get sensible representation mappings for velocity components. For example, d_x, d_y, d_z are all automatically mapped to frame component namse v_x, v_y, v_z. [6856]

  • SkyCoord objects now support updating the position of a source given its space motion and a new time or time difference. [6872]

  • The frame classes now accept a representation class or differential class, or string names for either, through the keyword arguments representation_type and differential_type instead of representation and differential_cls. [6873]

  • The frame classes (and SkyCoord) now give more useful error messages when incorrect attribute names are given. Instead of using the representation attribute names, they use the frame attribute names. [7106]

  • EarthLocation now has a method to compute the gravitational redshift due due to solar system bodies. [6861, 6935]

  • EarthLocation now has a get_gcrs convenience method to get the location in GCRS coordinates. [6861, 6935]

astropy.cosmology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.extern ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Expanded the FITS Column interface to accept attributes pertaining to the FITS World Coordinate System, which includes spatial(celestial) and time coordinates. [6359]

  • Added ver attribute to set the EXTVER header keyword to ImageHDU and TableHDU. [6454]

  • The performance for reading FITS tables has been significantly improved, in particular for cases where the tables contain one or more string columns and when done through Table.read. [6821]

  • The performance for writing tables from Table.write has now been significantly improved for tables containing one or more string columns. [6920]

  • The Table.read now supports a memmap= keyword argument to control whether or not to use memory mapping when reading the table. [6821]

  • When reading FITS tables with fits.open, a new keyword argument character_as_bytes can be passed - when set to True, character columns are returned as Numpy byte arrays (Numpy type S) while when set to False, the same columns are decoded to Unicode strings (Numpy type U) which uses more memory. [6821]

  • The table_to_hdu function and the BinTableHDU.from_columns and FITS_rec.from_columns methods now include a character_as_bytes keyword argument - if set to True, then when string columns are accessed, byte columns will be returned, which can provide significantly improved performance. [6920]

  • Added support for writing and reading back a table which has "mixin columns" such as SkyCoord or EarthLocation with no loss of information. [6912]

  • Enable tab-completion for FITS_rec column names and Header keywords with IPython 5 and later. [7071]

astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • When writing to HDF5 files, the serialized metadata are now saved in a new dataset, instead of the HDF5 dataset attributes. This allows for metadata of any dimensions. [6304]

  • Added support in HDF5 for writing and reading back a table which has "mixin columns" such as SkyCoord or EarthLocation with no loss of information. [7007]

  • Add implementations of astropy-specific ASDF tag types. [6790]

  • Add ASDF tag and schema for ICRSCoord. [6904]

astropy.io.registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Add unit support for tabular models. [6529]

  • A deepcopy() method was added to models. [6515]

  • Added units support to AffineTransformation. [6853]

  • Added is_separable function to modeling to test the separability of a model. [6746]

  • Added Model.separable property. It returns a boolean value or None if not set. [6746]

  • Support masked array values in LinearLSQFitter (instead of silently ignorning the mask). [6927]

astropy.nddata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.samp ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.stats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Added false alarm probability computation to astropy.stats.LombScargle [6488]

  • Implemented Kuiper functions in astropy.stats [3724, 6565]

astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Added support for reading and writing astropy.time.Time Table columns to and from FITS tables, to the extent supported by the FITS standard. [6176]

  • Improved exception handling and error messages when column format attribute is incorrect for the column type. [6385]

  • Allow to pass htmldict option to the jsviewer writer. [6551]

  • Added new table operation astropy.table.setdiff that returns the set difference of table rows for two tables. [6443]

  • Added support for reading time columns in FITS compliant binary tables as astropy.time.Time Table columns. [6442]

  • Allowed to remove table rows through the __delitem__ method. [5839]

  • Added a new showtable command-line script to view binary or ASCII table files. [6859]

  • Added new table property astropy.table.Table.loc_indices that returns the location of rows by indexes. [6831]

  • Allow updating of table by indices through the property astropy.table.Table.loc. [6831]

  • Enable tab-completion for column names with IPython 5 and later. [7071]

  • Allow getting and setting a table Row using multiple column names. [7107]

astropy.tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Split pytest plugins into separate modules. Move remotedata, openfiles, doctestplus plugins to standalone repositories. [6384, 6606]

  • When testing, astropy (or the package being tested) is now installed to a temporary directory instead of copying the build. This allows entry points to work correctly. [6890]

  • The tests_require setting in setup.py now works properly when running 'python setup.py test'. [6892]

astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Deprecated conversion of quantities to truth values. Currently, the expression bool(0 * u.dimensionless_unscaled) evaluates to True. In the future, attempting to convert a Quantity to a bool will raise ValueError. [6580, 6590]

  • Modify the brightness_temperature equivalency to provide a surface brightness equivalency instead of the awkward assumed-per-beam equivalency that previously existed [5173, 6663]

  • Support was added for a number of scipy.special functions. [6852]

astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • The astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar.map class method now supports the ipython_widget option. You can now pass it both multiprocess=True and ipython_widget=True to get both multiprocess speedup and a progress bar widget in an IPython Notebook. [6368]

  • The astropy.utils.compat.funcsigs module has now been deprecated. Use the Python 'inspect' module directly instead. [6598]

  • The astropy.utils.compat.futures module has now been deprecated. Use the Python 'concurrent.futures' module directly instead. [6598]

  • JsonCustomEncoder is expanded to handle Quantity and UnitBase. [5471]

  • Added a dcip_xy method to IERS that interpolates along the dX_2000A and dY_2000A columns of the IERS table. Hence, the data for the CIP offsets is now available for use in coordinate frame conversion. [5837]

  • The functions matmul, broadcast_arrays, broadcast_to of the astropy.utils.compat.numpy module have been deprecated. Use the NumPy functions directly. [6691]

  • The astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar.map class method now returns results in sequential order. Previously, if you set multiprocess=True, then the results could arrive in any arbitrary order, which could be a nasty shock. Although the function will still be evaluated on the items in arbitrary order, the return values will arrive in the same order in which the input items were provided. The method is now a thin wrapper around astropy.utils.console.ProgressBar.map_unordered, which preserves the old behavior. [6439]

astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Enable Matplotlib's subtraction shorthand syntax for composing and inverting trasformations for the WCSWorld2PixelTransform and WCSPixel2WorldTransform classes by setting has_inverse to True. In order to implement a unit test, also implement the equality comparison operator for both classes. [6531]

  • Added automatic hiding of axes labels when no tick labels are drawn on that axis. This parameter can be configured with WCSAxes.coords[*].set_axislabel_visibility_rule so that labels are automatically hidden when no ticks are drawn or always shown. [6774]

astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Added a new function celestial_frame_to_wcs to convert from coordinate frames to WCS (the opposite of what wcs_to_celestial_frame currently does. [6481]

  • wcslib was updated to v 5.18. [7066]

API Changes

astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.convolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Gaussian2DKernel now accepts x_stddev in place of stddev with an option for y_stddev, if different. It also accepts theta like Gaussian2D model. [3605, 6748]

astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Deprecated recommended_units for representations. These were used to ensure that any angle was presented in degrees in sky coordinates and frames. This is more logically done in the frame itself. [6858]

  • As noted above, the frame class attributes representation and differential_cls are being replaced by representation_type and differential_type. In the next version, using representation will raise a deprecation warning. [6873]

  • Coordinate frame classes now can't be added to the frame transform graph if they have frame attribute names that conflict with any component names. This is so SkyCoord can uniquely identify and distinguish frame attributes from frame components. [6871]

  • Slicing and reshaping of SkyCoord and coordinate frames no longer passes the new object through __init__, but directly sets atttributes on a new instance. This speeds up those methods by an order of magnitude, but means that any customization done in __init__ is by-passed. [6941]

astropy.cosmology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.extern ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Allow ECSV files to be auto-identified by Table.read or Table.write based on the .ecsv file name suffix. In this case it is not required to provide the format keyword. [6552]

astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Automatically detect and handle compression in FITS files that are opened by passing a file handle to fits.open [6373]

  • Remove the nonstandard checksum option. [6571]

astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • When writing to HDF5 files, the serialized metadata are now saved in a new dataset instead of the HDF5 dataset attributes. This allows for metadata of any dimensions. [6304]

  • Deprecated the usecPickle kwarg of fnunpickle and fnpickle as it was needed only for Python2 usage. [6655]

astropy.io.registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Add handling of tree.Group elements to tree.Resource. Unified I/O or conversion to astropy tables is not affected. [6262]

astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Removed deprecated GaussianAbsorption1D model. Use Const1D - Gaussian1D instead. [6542]

  • Removed the registry from modeling. [6706]

astropy.nddata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.samp ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.stats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • When setting the column format attribute the value is now immediately validated. Previously one could set to any value and it was only checked when actually formatting the column. [6385]

  • Deprecated the python3_only kwarg of the convert_bytestring_to_unicode and convert_unicode_to_bytestring methods it was needed only for Python2 usage. [6655]

  • When reading in FITS tables with Table.read, string columns are now represented using Numpy byte (dtype S) arrays rather than Numpy unicode arrays (dtype U). The Column class then ensures the bytes are automatically converted to string as needed. [6821]

  • When getting a table row using multiple column names, if one of the names is not a valid column name then a KeyError exception is now raised (previously ValueError). When setting a table row, if the right hand side is not a sequence with the correct length then a ValueError is now raised (previously in certain cases a TypeError was raised). [7107]

astropy.tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • download_files_in_parallel now always uses cache=True to make the function work on Windows. [6671]

astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • The Astropy matplotlib plot style has been deprecated. It will continue to work in future but is no longer documented. [6991]

astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^

Bug Fixes

astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.convolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Frame objects now use the default differential even if the representation is explicitly provided as long as the representation provided is the same type as the default representation. [6944]

  • Coordinate frame classes now raise an error when they are added to the frame transform graph if they have frame attribute names that conflict with any component names. [6871]

astropy.cosmology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.extern ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Added support for reading very large tables in chunks to reduce memory usage. [6458]

  • Strip leading/trailing white-space from latex lines to avoid issues when matching \begin{tabular} statements. This is done by introducing a new LatexInputter class to override the BaseInputter. [6311]

astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Properly handle opening of FITS files from http.client.HTTPResponse (i.e. it now works correctly when passing the results of urllib.request.urlopen to fits.open). [6378]

  • Fix the fitscheck script for updating invalid checksums, or removing checksums. [6571]

  • Fixed potential problems with the compression module [6732]

  • Always use the 'D' format for floating point values in ascii tables. [6938]

astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.nddata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.samp ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.stats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Fix getting a table row when using multiple column names (for example t[3]['a', 'b', 'c']). Also fix a problem when setting an entire row: if setting one of the right-hand side values failed this could result in a partial update of the referenced parent table before the exception is raised. [7107]

astropy.tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Initialization of Time instances with bytes or arrays with dtype S will now automatically attempt to decode as ASCII. This ensures Column instances with ASCII strings stored with dtype S can be used. [6823, 6903]

astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Fixed a bug that caused PLY files to not be generated correctly in Python 3. [7174]

astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • The deprecated decorator applied to a class will now modify the class itself, rather than to create a class that just looks and behave like the original. This is needed so that the Python 3 super without arguments works for decorated classes. [6615]

  • Fixed HomogeneousList when setting one item or a slice. [6773]

  • Also check the type when creating a new instance of HomogeneousList. [6773]

  • Make HomogeneousList work with iterators and generators when creating the instance, extending it, or using when setting a slice. [6773]

astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^

Other Changes and Additions

  • Versions of Python <3.5 are no longer supported. [6556]

  • Versions of Pytest <3.1 are no longer supported. [6419]

  • Versions of Numpy <1.10 are no longer supported. [6593]

  • The bundled CFITSIO was updated to version 3.41 [6477]

  • analytic_functions sub-package is removed. Use astropy.modeling.blackbody. [6541]

  • astropy.vo sub-package is removed. Use astropy.samp for SAMP and astroquery for VO cone search. [6540]

  • The guide to setting up Emacs for code development was simplified, and updated to recommend flycheck and flake8 for syntax checks. [6692]

  • The bundled version of PLY was updated to 3.10. [7174]



Bug Fixes

astropy.config ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.constants ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.convolution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.coordinates ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Add a workaround for a bug in the einsum function in Numpy 1.14.0. [7187]

astropy.cosmology ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.extern ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.ascii ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.fits ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Fixed the fitsdiff script for matching fits file with one in a directory path. [7085]

astropy.io.misc ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.registry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.io.votable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.modeling ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.nddata ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.samp ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.stats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.tests ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.time ^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.units ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.utils ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.visualization ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

  • Matplotlib axes have the axisbelow property to control the z-order of ticks, tick labels, and grid lines. WCSAxes will now respect this property. This is useful for drawing scale bars or inset boxes, which should have a z-order that places them above all ticks and gridlines. [7098]

astropy.vo ^^^^^^^^^^

astropy.wcs ^^^^^^^^^^^

numba 0.36.2 -> 0.37.0


This release focuses on bug fixing and stability but also adds a few new features including support for Numpy 1.14. The key change for Numba core was the long awaited addition of the final tranche of thread safety improvements that allow Numba to be run concurrently on multiple threads without hitting known thread safety issues inside LLVM itself. Further, a number of fixes and enhancements went into the CUDA implementation and ParallelAccelerator gained some new features and underwent some internal refactoring.

Misc enhancements:

  • PR 2627: Remove hacks to make llvmlite threadsafe
  • PR 2672: Add ascontiguousarray
  • PR 2678: Add Gitter badge
  • PR 2691: Fix 2690: add intrinsic to convert array to tuple
  • PR 2703: Test runner feature: failed-first and last-failed
  • PR 2708: Patch for issue 1907
  • PR 2732: Add support for array.fill

Misc Fixes:

  • PR 2610: Fix 2606 lowering of optional.setattr
  • PR 2650: Remove skip for win32 cosine test
  • PR 2668: Fix empty_like from readonly arrays.
  • PR 2682: Fixes 2210, remove _DisableJitWrapper
  • PR 2684: Fix 2340, generator error yielding bool
  • PR 2693: Add travis-ci testing of NumPy 1.14, and also check on Python 2.7
  • PR 2694: Avoid type inference failure due to a typing template rejection
  • PR 2695: Update llvmlite version dependency.
  • PR 2696: Fix tuple indexing codegeneration for empty tuple
  • PR 2698: Fix 2697 by deferring deletion in the simplify_CFG loop.
  • PR 2701: Small fix to avoid tempfiles being created in the current directory
  • PR 2725: Fix 2481, LLVM IR parsing error due to mutated IR
  • PR 2726: Fix 2673: incorrect fork error msg.
  • PR 2728: Alternative to 2620. Remove dead code ByteCodeInst.get.
  • PR 2730: Add guard for test needing SciPy/BLAS

Documentation updates:

  • PR 2670: Update communication channels
  • PR 2671: Add docs about diagnosing loop vectorizer
  • PR 2683: Add docs on const arg requirements and on const mem alloc
  • PR 2722: Add docs on numpy support in cuda
  • PR 2724: Update doc: warning about unsupported arguments

ParallelAccelerator enhancements/fixes:

Parallel support for np.arange and np.linspace, also np.mean, np.std and np.var are added. This was performed as part of a general refactor and cleanup of the core ParallelAccelerator code.

  • PR 2674: Core pa
  • PR 2704: Generate Dels after parfor sequential lowering
  • PR 2716: Handle matching directly supported functions

CUDA enhancements:

  • PR 2665: CUDA DeviceNDArray: Support numpy tranpose API
  • PR 2681: Allow Assigning to DeviceNDArrays
  • PR 2702: Make DummyArray do High Dimensional Reshapes
  • PR 2714: Use CFFI to Reuse Code

CUDA fixes:

  • PR 2667: Fix CUDA DeviceNDArray slicing
  • PR 2686: Fix 2663: incorrect offset when indexing cuda array.
  • PR 2687: Ensure Constructed Stream Bound
  • PR 2706: Workaround for unexpected warp divergence due to exception raising code
  • PR 2707: Fix regression: cuda test submodules not loading properly in runtests
  • PR 2731: Use more challenging values in slice tests.
  • PR 2720: A quick testsuite fix to not run the new cuda testcase in the multiprocess pool


The following people contributed to this release.

  • Coutinho Menezes Nilo
  • Daniel
  • Ehsan Totoni
  • Nick White
  • Paul H. Liu
  • Siu Kwan Lam
  • Stan Seibert
  • Stuart Archibald
  • Todd A. Anderson

sqlalchemy 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3


:released: February 16, 2018

.. change:: :tags: bug, oracle :tickets: 4182

   Fixed bug in cx_Oracle disconnect detection, used by pre_ping and other
   features, where an error could be raised as DatabaseError which includes a
   numeric error code; previously we weren&#39;t checking in this case for a
   disconnect code.

.. change:: :tags: bug, sqlite

   Fixed the import error raised when a platform
   has neither pysqlite2 nor sqlite3 installed, such
   that the sqlite3-related import error is raised,
   not the pysqlite2 one which is not the actual
   failure mode.  Pull request courtesy Robin.

.. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 4175

   Fixed bug where the :class:`.Bundle` object did not
   correctly report upon the primary :class:`.Mapper` object
   represened by the bundle, if any.   An immediate
   side effect of this issue was that the new selectinload
   loader strategy wouldn&#39;t work with the horizontal sharding

.. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 4180

   Fixed bug where the :class:`.Enum` type wouldn&#39;t handle
   enum &quot;aliases&quot; correctly, when more than one key refers to the
   same value.  Pull request courtesy Daniel Knell.

.. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 4181

   Fixed bug where events associated with an :class:`Engine`
   at the class level would be doubled when the
   :meth:`.Engine.execution_options` method were used.  To
   achieve this, the semi-private class :class:`.OptionEngine`
   no longer accepts events directly at the class level
   and will raise an error; the class only propagates class-level
   events from its parent :class:`.Engine`.   Instance-level
   events continue to work as before.

.. change:: :tags: bug, tests :tickets: 3265

   A test added in 1.2 thought to confirm a Python 2.7 behavior turns out to
   be confirming the behavior only as of Python 2.7.8. Python bug 8743 still
   impacts set comparison in Python 2.7.7 and earlier, so the test in question
   involving AssociationSet no longer runs for these older Python 2.7

.. change:: :tags: feature, oracle

   The ON DELETE options for foreign keys are now part of
   Oracle reflection.  Oracle does not support ON UPDATE
   cascades.  Pull request courtesy Miroslav Shubernetskiy.

.. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 4188

   Fixed bug in concrete inheritance mapping where user-defined
   attributes such as hybrid properties that mirror the names
   of mapped attributes from sibling classes would be overwritten by
   the mapper as non-accessible at the instance level.   Additionally
   ensured that user-bound descriptors are not implicitly invoked at the class
   level during the mapper configuration stage.

.. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 4178

   Fixed bug where the :func:`.orm.reconstructor` event
   helper would not be recognized if it were applied to the
   ``__init__()`` method of the mapped class.

.. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 4170

   The :class:`.URL` object now allows query keys to be specified multiple
   times where their values will be joined into a list.  This is to support
   the plugins feature documented at :class:`.CreateEnginePlugin` which
   documents that &quot;plugin&quot; can be passed multiple times. Additionally, the
   plugin names can be passed to :func:`.create_engine` outside of the URL
   using the new :paramref:`.create_engine.plugins` parameter.

.. change:: :tags: feature, sql :tickets: 3906

   Added support for :class:`.Enum` to persist the values of the enumeration,
   rather than the keys, when using a Python pep-435 style enumerated object.
   The user supplies a callable function that will return the string values to
   be persisted.  This allows enumerations against non-string values to be
   value-persistable as well.  Pull request courtesy Jon Snyder.

.. change:: :tags: feature, orm

   Added new argument :paramref:`.attributes.set_attribute.inititator`
   to the :func:`.attributes.set_attribute` function, allowing an
   event token received from a listener function to be propagated
   to subsequent set events.

.. changelog::

hypothesis 3.44.26 -> 3.45.2


This release makes our docstring style more consistent, thanks to :pypi:flake8-docstrings. There are no user-visible changes.


This fixes an indentation issue in docstrings for :func:~hypothesis.strategies.datetimes, :func:~hypothesis.strategies.dates, :func:~hypothesis.strategies.times, and :func:~hypothesis.strategies.timedeltas.


This release fixes :func:~hypothesis.strategies.builds so that target can be used as a keyword argument for passing values to the target. The target itself can still be specified as a keyword argument, but that behavior is now deprecated. The target should be provided as the first positional argument.

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖

coveralls commented 6 years ago

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 60.261% when pulling 49d78f8f0535ccb3b878acdb215796678b95156f on pyup/scheduled-update-2018-02-20 into 776f049f8ba8399045a1bef60c4774e3447f73e5 on develop.