jason-neal / companion_simulations

Simulating combined host+companion spectra, and fitting to observed crires spectra.
MIT License
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Scheduled biweekly dependency update for week 09 #43

Closed pyup-bot closed 6 years ago

pyup-bot commented 6 years ago


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

matplotlib 2.1.2 » 2.2.0 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
numpy 1.14.0 » 1.14.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
sqlalchemy 1.2.3 » 1.2.4 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
tqdm 4.19.5 » 4.19.6 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
hypothesis 3.45.2 » 3.48.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
pytest 3.4.0 » 3.4.2 PyPI | Changelog | Repo | Homepage


matplotlib 2.1.2 -> 2.2.0


numpy 1.14.0 -> 1.14.1



This is a bugfix release for some problems found since 1.14.0. This release includes fixes to the spacing in the str and repr of complex values.

The Python versions supported are 2.7 and 3.4 - 3.6. The Python 3.6 wheels available from PIP are built with Python 3.6.2 and should be compatible with all previous versions of Python 3.6. It was cythonized with Cython 0.26.1, which should be free of the bugs found in 0.27 while also being compatible with Python 3.7-dev.


A total of xx people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.

Pull requests merged


sqlalchemy 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4


:released: February 22, 2018

.. change:: :tags: bug, orm :tickets: 4193

   Fixed 1.2 regression in ORM versioning feature where a mapping against a
   :func:`.select` or :func:`.alias` that also used a versioning column
   against the underlying table would fail due to the check added as part of

.. change:: :tags: bug, engine :tickets: 4190

   Fixed regression caused in 1.2.3 due to fix from :ticket:`4181` where
   the changes to the event system involving :class:`.Engine` and
   :class:`.OptionEngine` did not accommodate for event removals, which
   would raise an ``AttributeError`` when invoked at the class

.. change:: :tags: bug, sql :tickets: 4197

   Fixed bug where CTE expressions would not have their name or alias name
   quoted when the given name is case sensitive or otherwise requires quoting.
   Pull request courtesy Eric Atkin.

.. changelog::

tqdm 4.19.5 -> 4.19.6


  • CLI improvements
    • --bytes implies --unit B --unit_scale --unit_divisor 1024 (503)
    • allow hyphens in CLI arguments (511)
  • synchronisation: fix for sem_open on aarch64 (513)
  • framework update
    • CI/tests, year 2018, py37, badges, documentation

hypothesis 3.45.2 -> 3.48.1


This patch will minimize examples that would come out non-minimal in previous versions. Thanks to Kyle Reeve for this patch.


This release improves some "unhappy paths" when using Hypothesis with the standard library :mod:python:unittest module:

  • Applying :func:given <hypothesis.given> to a non-test method which is overridden from :class:python:unittest.TestCase, such as setUp, raises :attr:a new health check <hypothesis.settings.not_a_test_method>. (:issue:991)
  • Using :meth:~python:unittest.TestCase.subTest within a test decorated with :func:given <hypothesis.given> would leak intermediate results when tests were run under the :mod:python:unittest test runner. Individual reporting of failing subtests is now disabled during a test using :func:given <hypothesis.given>. (:issue:1071)
  • :func:given <hypothesis.given> is still not a class decorator, but the error message if you try using it on a class has been improved.

As a related improvement, using :class:django:django.test.TestCase with :func:given <hypothesis.given> instead of :class:hypothesis.extra.django.TestCase raises an explicit error instead of running all examples in a single database transaction.


:obj:~hypothesis.settings.register_profile now accepts keyword arguments for specific settings, and the parent settings object is now optional. Using a name for a registered profile which is not a string was never suggested, but it is now also deprecated and will eventually be an error.


This release removes an unnecessary branch from the code, and has no user-visible impact.


This changes only the formatting of our docstrings and should have no user-visible effects.


:func:~hypothesis.strategies.characters has improved docs about what arguments are valid, and additional validation logic to raise a clear error early (instead of e.g. silently ignoring a bad argument). Categories may be specified as the Unicode 'general category' (eg u'Nd'), or as the 'major category' (eg [u'N', u'Lu'] is equivalent to [u'Nd', u'Nl', u'No', u'Lu']).

In previous versions, general categories were supported and all other input was silently ignored. Now, major categories are supported in addition to general categories (which may change the behaviour of some existing code), and all other input is deprecated.


This patch improves strategy inference in :mod:hypothesis.extra.django to account for some validators in addition to field type - see :issue:1116 for ongoing work in this space.

Specifically, if a :class:~django:django.db.models.CharField or :class:~django:django.db.models.TextField has an attached :class:~django:django.core.validators.RegexValidator, we now use :func:~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex instead of :func:~hypothesis.strategies.text as the underlying strategy. This allows us to generate examples of the default :class:~django:django.contrib.auth.models.User model, closing :issue:1112.


This patch improves some internal debugging information, fixes a typo in a validation error message, and expands the documentation for new contributors.


This patch may improve example shrinking slightly for some strategies.

pytest 3.4.0 -> 3.4.2



Bug Fixes

  • Removed progress information when capture option is no. (3203 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3203>_)

  • Refactor check of bindir from exists to isdir. (3241 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3241>_)

  • Fix TypeError issue when using approx with a Decimal value. (3247 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3247>_)

  • Fix reference cycle generated when using the request fixture. (3249 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3249>_)

  • [tool:pytest] sections in *.cfg files passed by the -c option are now properly recognized. (3260 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3260>_)

Improved Documentation

  • Add logging plugin to plugins list. (3209 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3209>_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • Fix minor typo in fixture.rst (3259 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3259>_)



Bug Fixes

  • Move import of doctest.UnexpectedException to top-level to avoid possible errors when using --pdb. (1810 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/1810>_)

  • Added printing of captured stdout/stderr before entering pdb, and improved a test which was giving false negatives about output capturing. (3052 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3052>_)

  • Fix ordering of tests using parametrized fixtures which can lead to fixtures being created more than necessary. (3161 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3161>_)

  • Fix bug where logging happening at hooks outside of "test run" hooks would cause an internal error. (3184 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3184>_)

  • Detect arguments injected by unittest.mock.patch decorator correctly when pypi mock.patch is installed and imported. (3206 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3206>_)

  • Errors shown when a pytest.raises() with match= fails are now cleaner on what happened: When no exception was raised, the "matching '...'" part got removed as it falsely implies that an exception was raised but it didn't match. When a wrong exception was raised, it's now thrown (like pytest.raised() without match= would) instead of complaining about the unmatched text. (3222 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3222>_)

  • Fixed output capture handling in doctests on macOS. (985 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/985>_)

Improved Documentation

  • Add Sphinx parameter docs for match and message args to pytest.raises. (3202 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3202>_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • pytest has changed the publication procedure and is now being published to PyPI directly from Travis. (3060 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3060>_)

  • Rename ParameterSet._for_parameterize() to _for_parametrize() in order to comply with the naming convention. (3166 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/3166>_)

  • Skip failing pdb/doctest test on mac. (985 <https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/985>_)

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖