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496. Next Greater Element I #19

Open jason89521 opened 3 months ago

jason89521 commented 3 months ago

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Link: https://leetcode.com/problems/next-greater-element-i/description/


We first initialize a stack, and then iterate over the nums2 vector. When the top element of the stack is less than the current element we visit in nums2, we pop the top element out, and insert it to our hash table, where key is the top element and the value is the current element in nums2.

Then we iterate over the nums1 vector, if the element we visit is appeared in the lookup table, we push the value in out result, otherwise we push -1.

impl Solution {
    pub fn next_greater_element(nums1: Vec<i32>, nums2: Vec<i32>) -> Vec<i32> {
        let mut table = std::collections::HashMap::new();
        let mut stack = vec![];
        for n in nums2.iter() {
            while let Some(top) = stack.last() {
                if n > top {
                    table.insert(*top, *n);
                } else {

        for n in nums1.iter() {
            match table.get(n) {
                Some(greater) => stack.push(*greater),
                None => stack.push(-1),



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