jasonacox / Build-OpenSSL-cURL

Scripts to build OpenSSL, HTTP/2 (nghttp2) and cURL (libcurl) for MacOS, iOS and tvOS devices (x86_64, armv7, armv7s, arm64, arm64e). Now Supporting Apple Silicon, OpenSSL 3.0.x with TLS 1.3 and Mac Catalyst builds.
MIT License
419 stars 125 forks source link

Suggestion: Include header files with archives #31

Closed jbfitb closed 3 years ago

jbfitb commented 4 years ago

Currently there are nice .a files but no header files. Would be great to have, so I can use the archives without having to clone each repo at that version number to get the headers.

jasonacox commented 4 years ago

Thanks! The build.sh script has been updated to archive the openssl and libcurl header files in the ./archive/*/include folders.

jbfitb commented 4 years ago

whoa you're amazing!