jasonacox / Powerwall-Dashboard

Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems
MIT License
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Backup script improvements #273

Open YesThatAllen opened 1 year ago

YesThatAllen commented 1 year ago


The existing backup script requires users to make their own copies, and as such isn't as easy as it could be, and changes to the process aren't reliably enforceable.


Additional context

I'd start with moving the existing backups/backup.sh.example to the repo root as backup.sh so that it's at the same level as other tooling, and to prevent conflicts with any existing tooling people have made

jasonacox commented 1 year ago

The backup script and process has been problematic for a while. Ideally it is not self contained w/in the project folder but is getting backed up to a separate partition or remote storage. But in any case, suggestions here are valid and improvements need to be made. I would welcome any help. 😁

YesThatAllen commented 1 year ago

Ideally it is not self contained w/in the project folder

We'll have a more unified experience if the script itself is in the repo

but is getting backed up to a separate partition or remote storage.

Absolutely. I envision a file where users define all sorts of variables.. timezone, backup destination, etc. pypowerwall.env currently hosts some values including TZ, is it fair to say that's where we can put things like


the nice part about how you laid out that file already is that we can call: pseudocode here:

pypowerwall_repo_home=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )

echo "pypowerwall_env_file is $pypowerwall_env_file"

if [[ -f $pypowerwall_env_file ]]; then
  source "$pypowerwall_env_file"
  echo "You must have messed up somewhere."
  exit 1

if [[ ! -z "$TZ" ]]; then
  echo "ensure TZ is defined in $pypowerwall_env_file"
  exit 1

Which will make the values stored there available in scripts like $TZ