jasonacox / Powerwall-Dashboard

Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems
MIT License
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Grafana container keeps restarting - Docker Desktop issue #362

Closed bparruck closed 9 months ago

bparruck commented 9 months ago

Grafana container doesn't have its mount

docker logs grafana GF_PATHS_DATA='/var/lib/grafana' is not writable. You may have issues with file permissions, more information here: http://docs.grafana.org/installation/docker/#migrate-to-v51-or-later mkdir: cannot create directory '/var/lib/grafana/plugins': Permission denied docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 963f28fddfb7 jasonacox/weather411:0.2.2 "python3 server.py" 7 minutes ago Up 11 seconds>8676/tcp weather411 4dfedc99ff30 telegraf:1.26.1 "/entrypoint.sh tele…" 7 minutes ago Up 11 seconds 8092/udp, 8125/udp, 8094/tcp telegraf 231ad69520dc grafana/grafana:9.1.2-ubuntu "/run.sh" 7 minutes ago Restarting (1) 3 seconds ago grafana d138eb995342 jasonacox/pypowerwall:0.6.2t27 "python3 server.py" 7 minutes ago Up 12 seconds>8675/tcp pypowerwall b27a0664b5d5 influxdb:1.8 "/entrypoint.sh infl…" 7 minutes ago Up 12 seconds>8086/tcp influxdb

To Reproduce Tried on a brand new installation of Ubuntu 22.04.3 with Docker Desktop lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Release: 22.04 Codename: jammy

Host System sudo lshw -short

H/W path Device Class Description

/0/3e processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770R CPU @ 3.20GHz /0/3e/3f memory 1MiB L2 cache /0/3e/40 memory 256KiB L1 cache /0/3e/41 memory 6MiB L3 cache /0/42 memory 16GiB System Memory /0/100/1f.2 scsi4 storage 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset Family 6-port SATA Controller 1 [AHCI mode] /0/100/1f.2/0.0.0 /dev/sda disk 500GB Samsung SSD 850 /0/100/1f.2/0.0.0/1 volume 511MiB Windows FAT volume /0/100/1f.2/0.0.0/2 /dev/sda2 volume 465GiB EXT4 volume

Verify Scripts thinks everything is hunky-dory:

./verify.sh Verify Powerwall-Dashboard - Version 2.9.12 - Timezone: America/Los_Angeles

This script will attempt to verify all the services needed to run Powerwall-Dashboard. Use this output when you open an issue for help: https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard/issues/new

Checking pypowerwall

Checking telegraf

Checking influxdb

Checking grafana

bparruck commented 9 months ago

Here is the fix for the issue: The issue seems to be Docker Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04.3. Do not use it even though Docker is pushing it.

Using docker and docker-compose worked. Here's how to install them:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker.io docker-compose
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

And enable and start docker process:

sudo systemctl enable --now docker
jasonacox commented 9 months ago

@bparruck did you use the setup.sh script and still needed to run this chmod fix?

TODO: might be good to figure out how to added permission setting checks to verify.sh.

bparruck commented 9 months ago

@jasonacox The real issue was Docker Desktop. However, the verify.sh does have an issue.