jasonacox / Powerwall-Dashboard

Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems
MIT License
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Trouble getting data from Powerwall #434

Open Thefirebeast opened 4 months ago

Thefirebeast commented 4 months ago

Thank you whoever lends me a life raft!

Problem Description I am unable to connect Grafana to my powerwall. I have connected to the Powerwalls wifi and ran "python3 -m pypowerwall scan" and verified its the same ip in the config file, I have also made sure the email/password are correct.

When I run "docker logs -f pypowerwall" I receive this 02/21/2024 07:59:59 PM [proxy] [INFO] pyPowerwall [0.7.7] Proxy Server [t40] - HTTP Port 8675 02/21/2024 07:59:59 PM [proxy] [INFO] pyPowerwall Proxy Started 02/21/2024 08:00:01 PM [proxy] [ERROR] Invalid Powerwall Login 02/21/2024 08:00:01 PM [proxy] [ERROR] Fatal Error: Unable to connect. Please fix config and restart. 02/21/2024 08:37:17 PM [proxy] [INFO] pyPowerwall [0.7.7] Proxy Server [t40] - HTTP Port 8675 02/21/2024 08:37:17 PM [proxy] [INFO] pyPowerwall Proxy Started 02/21/2024 08:37:22 PM [proxy] [ERROR] Unable to connect to Powerwall at 02/21/2024 08:37:22 PM [proxy] [ERROR] Fatal Error: Unable to connect. Please fix config and restart.

I have tried the command while connected to the powerwalls wifi and have also ran it when connected to my house wifi, I even ran the command when I had internet disabled yet still got the same error log

System Details Describe the host system you are trying to use for the Dashboard: Lenovo Thinkcentre M53, connected to internet via ethernet

Verify Tool Output If possible, please run the verify.sh found in the Powerwall-Dashboard main folder. It will attempt to verify all the services needed to run Powerwall-Dashboard and identify errors. Please paste the output or screenshot here:

user@user-ThinkCentre-M53:~/Powerwall-Dashboard$ ./verify.sh Verify Powerwall-Dashboard 4.0.2 on Linux - Timezone: America/Chicago

Checking pypowerwall

Checking telegraf

Checking influxdb

Checking grafana

Checking weather411

One or more tests failed. Screenshot from 2024-02-21 21-24-21 Screenshot from 2024-02-21 21-23-16

jasonacox commented 4 months ago

Hi @Thefirebeast - some thoughts:

Thefirebeast commented 4 months ago

It is a Powerwall 2. The powerwall and my computer are connected to the same network, the network scan finds nothing unless I connect directly to the Powerwalls network.

To clarify something, I'm trying to set this up for my dad and cell coverage is currently bonked everywhere it seems so I can't text him to clarify this but he told me before that the email/password he gave me is what he used to setup his Tesla app and later added the power wall to it. Should we be using that login info or is there another set of login credentials we need to use? I will be at his house later today or tomorrow

Thefirebeast commented 4 months ago


NickBeacroft commented 4 months ago

I had a working system and it was stable until the 23.44.0 firmware. I updated to the v4.0.1 version and managed to get it working again, after logging in to my Powerwall 2.

It ran OK for about a week.

It stopped working again yesterday, but OK again after logging in to my Powerwall again.

Now it has stopped working and I cannot get it running.

I just upgraded to v4.0.2 to see if that would help. But still does not work. Even after connecting and logging in to my Powerwall.

Checking pypowerwall

02/23/2024 07:41:19 PM [proxy] [INFO] pyPowerwall [0.7.7] Proxy Server [t40] - HTTP Port 8675 02/23/2024 07:41:19 PM [proxy] [INFO] pyPowerwall Proxy Started 02/23/2024 07:41:22 PM [proxy] [ERROR] Unable to connect to Powerwall at 02/23/2024 07:41:22 PM [proxy] [ERROR] Fatal Error: Unable to connect. Please fix config and restart.


jasonacox commented 4 months ago

@Thefirebeast - The portal will prompt you to use (upgrade) to Telsa Pros (now also called Tesla One), but you can bypass that screen and will need to do that: https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard/discussions/367#discussioncomment-7278760

@Thefirebeast - The password for the Tesla App is likely not the same one for the Powerwall (mine are different). I set up the password using the portal (see above) by first going into the Installer screen and updating the customer password.

@NickBeacroft - Some ideas:

NickBeacroft commented 4 months ago


Thanks for the advice.

I stopped the pypowerwall and re-checked the other aspects.

This first scan did not find the Powerwall, but I can ping it. After going through the non-upgrade login procedure again, the scan did find the Powerwall.

Firmware: 23.44.0 eb113390

With the pypowerwall now stopped for 30 minutes, I started it up again.

All looks good again and based on your feedback, it looks perhaps more of an API rate limit. As I have not changed anything, is it possible the new firmware has a lower rate limit?

Thanks again for taking the time to provide help. Appreciated.

jasonacox commented 4 months ago

Great to hear @NickBeacroft ! I don't know that the new Firmware has more rate limit restrictions, but you probably hit two things: 1) The old pypowerwall version (prior to your upgrade) had a bug that would endlessly retry API endpoints so when Tesla removed the vitals URL, pypowerwall would hit the rate limit on retries. 2) The Tesla Pros "don't upgrade" steps on the portal seems to be required in some cases or your dashboard and pypowerwall will continue to loop through trying to login, also causing rate limit.

Thefirebeast commented 4 months ago

The good: It was indeed an issue with the password, after using a different password I was able to get some data. Thanks for helping me with that.

The bad: I don't know if I'm extremely blind but I did not see anything about the powerwall firmware update screwing the data up in the installation guide. Will have to wait it out in hopes of regaining data access.

jasonacox commented 4 months ago

The bad: I don't know if I'm extremely blind but I did not see anything about the powerwall firmware update screwing the data up in the installation guide. Will have to wait it out in hopes of regaining data access.

I'm not following... or is this a joke? 😂

mihailvovk commented 2 months ago

probably not related, but I'm loosing starting yesterday IP connectivity via wifi. reconnected to another network and then back to regular one, - it worked for some time and not anymore again. Anyone having same symptoms? We had storm yesterday with lots of lightning and heavy winds

jasonacox commented 2 months ago

Hi @mihailvovk - I had that constantly. My Powerwall gateway is in the garage and evidently on the edge of our WiFi range. It would be solid for days and then with some atmospheric changes (e.g. rain, overcast), stop connecting for hours at a time or would flap every 5 minutes. I gave up trying to keep WiFi working and just hardwired my gateway using an ethernet cable to my LAN switch. I've had no problems after that.

BuongiornoTexas commented 2 months ago

I've likewise had issues with wifi, and particularly issues in rainy weather. Wired is not an option for, but I found that setting a static ARP more or less fixed the problem permanently for me. Fix referenced in https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard/issues/22#issuecomment-1437664703

mihailvovk commented 2 months ago

Hi @mihailvovk - I had that constantly. My Powerwall gateway is in the garage and evidently on the edge of our WiFi range. It would be solid for days and then with some atmospheric changes (e.g. rain, overcast), stop connecting for hours at a time or would flap every 5 minutes. I gave up trying to keep WiFi working and just hardwired my gateway using an ethernet cable to my LAN switch. I've had no problems after that.

This is just first time it happened to me after 1.5y. I do my wifi and I am almost certain that wifi is great and I have separate access point in garage. But I am about to swap access points with Aruba decommissioned from workplace and gonna retire my ubiquity. Still thinking that either lightning caused some damage to tesla gateway or to my garage access point

mihailvovk commented 2 months ago

I've likewise had issues with wifi, and particularly issues in rainy weather. Wired is not an option for, but I found that setting a static ARP more or less fixed the problem permanently for me. Fix referenced in #22 (comment)

I actually lost two out of 3 access points after last week lightning weather in Houston. Needed to rebuild home wifi on Aruba APs and everythink back to normal. Honestly, - it is quite uncomfortable without proper wifi home.