jasonacox / Powerwall-Dashboard

Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems
MIT License
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Additional Python modules for some Tools can no longer be installed via PIP as instructed #477

Open dJOS1475 opened 1 month ago

dJOS1475 commented 1 month ago

Problem The various instructions to install prerequisites for ecowitt and tesla history (and maybe others) are no longer correct on Ubuntu 22.x +

To Reproduce Attempt to install python modules: dateutil teslapy influxdb etc

pip install python-dateutil teslapy influxdb



Host System

Additional context The workaround is to add --break-system-packages eg pip install python-dateutil teslapy influxdb --break-system-packages

jasonacox commented 1 month ago

Thanks @dJOS1475

I flagged this for documentation so we can update with those helps. However, using --break-system-packages is probably not the best option for everyone. There are a few other options:


We could have the tools run inside of docker with its own python environment already set up. @mcbirse Didn't we already set this up? Perhaps we change the tool runs to be docker run instead.

Python Virtual Environment

A recommended approach (when you can't apt install packages which is most of them) is to create a python virtual environment:

sudo apt install python3-venv
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install python-dateutil teslapy influxdb 

You would need to source .venv/bin/activate for any session that needed to use those installed libraries (eg. put it in ~/.bashrc or your cron script).

dJOS1475 commented 1 month ago

Cheers, I was able to apt install everything except teslapy and had to resort to the brute force method for that. I run my dashboard in a dedicated vm, so I wasn’t bothered if I broke it.