jasonacox / Powerwall-Dashboard

Grafana Monitoring Dashboard for Tesla Solar and Powerwall Systems
MIT License
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Power Flow Always Shows Off-Grid - Solar Only #478

Open lsgc123 opened 1 month ago

lsgc123 commented 1 month ago

First of all, I do appreciate @jasonacox to provide us this awesome tool!

I am using Solar-Only dashboard and it works well except the Power Flow animation and Energy Usage chart.

powerflow For the above Power Flow animation, my solar system generates 0.7 kW and my home uses 0.5 kW. That is, I am sending around 0.2 kW to the Grid. However, this animation indicates the Grid is off and no interaction between Solar and Grid. (Nothing between Home and Grid when consumption is bigger than production, either). Also, Grid Status is RED all the time on the Grid Status.

When I checked the Key power data(http://localhost:8675/csv), it says '-137.65,522.35,660.00,0.00,5.00' which I sent 137.65 kW to Grid. Is there any way to fix this? In fact, it is just a minor issue and does not affect to the main purpose of this tool, but I am just wondering if I could fix this on my side.

I can still see the correct data from the Current State as below(The data is different because I took this screenshot later): image

Please advise.

Thank you.

jasonacox commented 1 month ago

Hi @lsgc123 , thanks for opening this! It looks like the animation thinks that your grid is offline, but clearly it is not. I would love to fix this.

lsgc123 commented 1 month ago

Hi @jasonacox ,

Thank you for the reply.

I confirmed the version I installed was 4.3.2 image

Applied the change for the PyPowerWall and confirmed the PowerWall icon was gone but still same istuation for Grid. image

Below is the information from my local server:

sitemaster: {"status": "StatusUp", "running": true, "connected_to_tesla": true, "power_supply_mode": false, "can_reboot": "Yes"}

powerwalls: {"enumerating": false, "updating": false, "checking_if_offgrid": false, "running_phase_detection": false, "phase_detection_last_error": "no phase information", "bubble_shedding": false, "on_grid_check_error": "on grid check not run", "grid_qualifying": false, "grid_code_validating": false, "phase_detection_not_available": true, "powerwalls": [{"Type": "", "PackagePartNumber": "2012170-25-E", "PackageSerialNumber": "TG1234567890G1", "type": "SolarPowerwall", "grid_state": "Grid_Uncompliant", "grid_reconnection_time_seconds": 0, "under_phase_detection": false, "updating": false, "commissioning_diagnostic": {"name": "Commissioning", "category": "InternalComms", "disruptive": false, "inputs": null, "checks": [{"name": "CAN connectivity", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.3068631-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.3068696-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Enable switch", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.306875474-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.306880724-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Internal communications", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.306886099-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.306891223-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Firmware up-to-date", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.306896598-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.306901723-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}], "alert": false}, "update_diagnostic": {"name": "Firmware Update", "category": "InternalComms", "disruptive": true, "inputs": null, "checks": [{"name": "Solar Inverter firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Solar Safety firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Grid code", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Powerwall firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Battery firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Inverter firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Grid code", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}], "alert": false}, "bc_type": null, "in_config": true}, {"Type": "", "PackagePartNumber": "3012170-05-B", "PackageSerialNumber": "TG1234567890G1", "type": "ACPW", "grid_state": "Grid_Uncompliant", "grid_reconnection_time_seconds": 0, "under_phase_detection": false, "updating": false, "commissioning_diagnostic": {"name": "Commissioning", "category": "InternalComms", "disruptive": false, "inputs": null, "checks": [{"name": "CAN connectivity", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.320856307-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.320940302-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Enable switch", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.320949301-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.320955301-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Internal communications", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.320960676-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.320966176-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Firmware up-to-date", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.32097155-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.3209768-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}], "alert": false}, "update_diagnostic": {"name": "Firmware Update", "category": "InternalComms", "disruptive": true, "inputs": null, "checks": [{"name": "Powerwall firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Battery firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Inverter firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Grid code", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}], "alert": false}, "bc_type": null, "in_config": true}], "gateway_din": "1232100-00-E--TG1234567890G1", "sync": {"updating": false, "commissioning_diagnostic": {"name": "Commissioning", "category": "InternalComms", "disruptive": false, "inputs": null, "checks": [{"name": "CAN connectivity", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.321101293-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.321107918-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}, {"name": "Firmware up-to-date", "status": "fail", "start_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.321113792-08:00", "end_time": "2023-12-16T08:34:17.321118917-08:00", "message": "Cannot perform this action with site controller running. From landing page, either \"STOP SYSTEM\" or \"RUN WIZARD\" to proceed.", "results": {}, "debug": {}, "checks": null}], "alert": false}, "update_diagnostic": {"name": "Firmware Update", "category": "InternalComms", "disruptive": true, "inputs": null, "checks": [{"name": "Synchronizer firmware", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Islanding configuration", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}, {"name": "Grid code", "status": "not_run", "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "progress": 0, "results": null, "debug": null, "checks": null}], "alert": false}}, "msa": null, "states": null}

grid_status(suspicious grid_services_active: false): {"grid_status": "SystemIslandedActive", "grid_services_active": false}

SOE: {"percentage": 0.0}

auth supported: {"toggle_auth_supported": true}

problems: {"problems": []}

version: {"version": "SolarOnly", "vint": 0}

jasonacox commented 1 month ago

Ok, thanks @lsgc123 -

grid_status(suspicious grid_services_active: false): {"grid_status": "SystemIslandedActive", "grid_services_active": false}

Yes, this is a problem. I'll dig in to why. This would cause the animation to think it is in island mode (grid down).

Which dashboard.json file are you using? The note below the powerwall "Firmware" should say "Solar Only". You might try dashboard-solor-only.json if you haven't already. It won't fix the grid-down issue but might remove the N/A "Firmware" note.

jasonacox commented 1 month ago

I might have found it. When the system polls the Telsa cloud for status, if the grid_status is not "Active" it assumes you are in island mode. I created a beta proxy if you are willing to test it out for me. It has the new logic in it and also adds more debug information. Here is what you will need to do:

Edit the powerwall.yml file and replace the image name for pypowerwall to jasonacox/pypowerwall:0.10.0t58-beta7

# from this
        image: jasonacox/pypowerwall:0.9.1t57
        container_name: pypowerwall
        hostname: pypowerwall
        restart: unless-stopped

# to this
        image: jasonacox/pypowerwall:0.10.0t58-beta7
        container_name: pypowerwall
        hostname: pypowerwall
        restart: unless-stopped

Save that and then run this:

./compose-dash.sh up -d 

If nothing changes, I need you to turn on debug. Edit the pypowerwall.env file and change:

# this

# to this

Load in the new settings:

./compose-dash.sh up -d 
# Run this to see logs - ^C to end
docker logs pypowerwall -f
lsgc123 commented 1 month ago

Hi @jasonacox

I am pretty sure I am using the dashboard, dashboard-solar-only.json. Since the word 'Firmware' is a part of pypowerwall, it does not matter with the dashboard, I believe.

Unfortunately, neither worked at this moment, so I have turned on the Debug mode. Should I send the logs to you or you can see the logs on your side?

jasonacox commented 1 month ago

As for the logs, go to http://localhost:8675/api/system_status/grid_status and then capture the section of the logs that should look something like this:

06/02/2024 01:45:02 PM [pypowerwall.cloud.pypowerwall_cloud] [DEBUG]  -- cloud: get_api_system_status_grid_status: {
    "response": {
        "solar_power": 7690,
        "percentage_charged": 100,
        "backup_capable": true,
        "battery_power": 0,
        "load_power": 769,
        "grid_status": "Active",
        "grid_services_active": false,
        "grid_power": -6921,
        "grid_services_power": 0,
        "generator_power": 0,
        "island_status": "on_grid",
        "storm_mode_active": false,
        "timestamp": "2024-06-02T13:45:02-07:00",
        "wall_connectors": []

or this

06/02/2024 01:48:42 PM [pypowerwall.fleetapi.pypowerwall_fleetapi] [DEBUG] -- fleetapi: get_api_system_status_grid_status: {'solar_power': 3700, 'percentage_charged': 100, 'backup_capable': True, 'battery_power': 0, 'load_power': 903, 'grid_status': 'Active', 'grid_services_active': False, 'grid_power': -2797, 'grid_services_power': 0, 'generator_power': 0, 'island_status': 'on_grid', 'storm_mode_active': False, 'timestamp': '2024-06-02T13:48:42-07:00', 'wall_connectors': []}

On the dashboard, we updated that dashboard so you may want to install the newer one.

Thanks for your help with this.

lsgc123 commented 1 month ago

Here we go

06/02/2024 05:59:35 PM [pypowerwall.cloud.pypowerwall_cloud] [DEBUG]  -- cloud: get_api_system_status_grid_status: {
    "response": {
        "solar_power": 1230,
        "load_power": 722.0999755859375,
        "grid_status": "Unknown",
        "grid_services_active": false,
        "grid_power": -507.9000244140625,
        "grid_services_power": 0,
        "generator_power": 0,
        "island_status": "island_status_unknown",
        "storm_mode_active": false,
        "timestamp": "2024-06-02T17:59:35-04:00",
        "wall_connectors": [
                "din": "1734412-02-D--B7S23353J00983",
                "wall_connector_state": 2,
                "wall_connector_fault_state": 2,
                "wall_connector_power": 0,
                "ocpp_status": 1
jasonacox commented 1 month ago


"grid_status": "Unknown",

Well, there it is. :) Okay, easy fix. I just pushed a new version.

Edit the powerwall.yml file and replace the image name for pypowerwall to jasonacox/pypowerwall:0.10.0t58-beta8

        image: jasonacox/pypowerwall:0.10.0t58-beta8
        container_name: pypowerwall


./compose-dash.sh up -d 

If that fixes it, you can edit pypowerwall.env and set PW_DEBUG=no to save your disk space.

lsgc123 commented 1 month ago

Works perfectly! Great!

Thank you very much! Still shows Grid Status(which is a part of Dashboard not pypowerwall) as off grid(Red Graph), but it does not matter.


jasonacox commented 1 month ago

Oh, I'm so glad you noticed that! I took another look and sure enough, there is another place where grid_status is getting set and would ignore the Solar Only "Unknown" response. I've updated it and you can try using this:


Thanks for your help with this! I'll get this included in the next release for our other solar-only members.

Thank you! 🙏