jasonacox / pypowerwall

Python API for Tesla Powerwall and Solar Power Data
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set-reserve ERROR gives Missing access token parameter. Auth token expired? #54

Open ma773o opened 7 months ago

ma773o commented 7 months ago


python3 set-reserve.py --read fails with this error:

ERROR: Failed to retrieve PRODUCT_LIST - (missing_token) Missing access token parameter.

I guess the problem is that the auth token has expired as I have the following in the set-reserve.auth file: ... "expires_in": 28800, "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_at": 1700028409.1826518}}} which can be converted as expires_in 8 hours and expires_at Wednesday, November 15, 2023 6:06:49 AM GMT .

Is there a way to automatically refresh the token without having to login again? Can it be embedded in set-reserve.py and the other tools?


mcbirse commented 7 months ago

Hi @ma773o - my understanding is that the TeslaPy module should actually automatically update the auth token file... I have used some very old saved auth token files before (however, with the tesla-history script from the Powerwall-Dashboard project) and never had an issue.

Have you checked the permissions of the set-reserve.auth file to ensure it is writable by the script perhaps?

ma773o commented 7 months ago

Hi, permissions are fine... I've now tried to remove .auth and .conf file and re-do the login process to obtain a fresh token and it actually fails. I called it with -d to get debug info and I got the following (I've hidden personal data):

python3 set-reserve.py -d --login

Config file 'set-reserve.conf' not found

Do you want to create the config now? [Y/n] Y

Tesla Account Setup
Email address: hidden@hidden.com
Save auth token to: [set-reserve.auth] 

Config saved to 'set-reserve.conf'

Tesla account: hidden@hidden.com
Open the below address in your browser to login.


After login, paste the URL of the 'Page Not Found' webpage below.

Enter URL after login: https://auth.tesla.com/void/callback?code=HIDDEN&state=HIDDEN&issuer=https%3A%2F%2Fauth.tesla.com%2Foauth2%2Fv3
ERROR: Login failure - (missing_token) Missing access token parameter.

This was working a couple of days ago, and of course my the email/password pair works when authenticating to tesla.com

jasonacox commented 7 months ago

Hi @ma773o - I'm not sure what could be going wrong here. You seem to be doing the right thing (I assume you removed replaced the real code with code=HIDDEN).

Some (likely not very helpful) thoughts: