jasonacox / pypowerwall

Python API for Tesla Powerwall and Solar Power Data
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Ran upgrade.sh but it does not pull all new files #56

Open VenomrushCT opened 7 months ago

VenomrushCT commented 7 months ago

Ran the upgrade.sh script to update to latest version, expected tessolarcharge.py script to be available under 'tools' folder but could not find this script after the update.

These are what can be found under tools after running the update:

-rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 3532 Oct 4 20:36 DOCKER.md drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 May 8 2023 ecowitt-weather-history drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Mar 28 2023 fixmonthtags drwxr-xr-x 5 pi pi 4096 May 8 2023 influxdb2 drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Mar 28 2023 mysql drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Mar 28 2023 pvoutput drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Jul 3 17:11 pwstatus -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 4540 Dec 4 23:12 README.md drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dec 4 23:12 solar-only drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Dec 4 23:12 tesla-history drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Oct 16 22:09 usage-service drwxr-xr-x 2 pi pi 4096 Jul 3 17:11 weather-history

VenomrushCT commented 7 months ago

Output from running upgrade.sh

Upgrade Powerwall-Dashboard from 2.10.0 to 3.0.2

This script will attempt to upgrade you to the latest version without removing existing data. A backup is still recommended.

Upgrade - Proceed? [y/N] Y

Resetting Timezone to Default...

Pull influxdb.sql, dashboard.json, telegraf.conf, and other changes...

No local changes to save remote: Enumerating objects: 170, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (170/170), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (92/92), done. remote: Total 170 (delta 103), reused 135 (delta 72), pack-reused 0 Receiving objects: 100% (170/170), 76.25 KiB | 2.93 MiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (103/103), completed with 18 local objects. From https://github.com/jasonacox/Powerwall-Dashboard 9affc53..2644e62 main -> origin/main

Setting Timezone back to America/New_York...

Updating Powerwall-Dashboard stack... Running Docker Compose... [+] Running 5/5 ✔ Container influxdb Started 1.5s ✔ Container pypowerwall Started 1.9s ✔ Container grafana Started 1.2s ✔ Container weather411 Started 4.9s ✔ Container telegraf Started 1.0s

Waiting for InfluxDB to start... ..... up!

Add downsample continuous queries to InfluxDB... 2023/12/05 04:13:15 error: continuous query already exists 2023/12/05 04:13:15 error: continuous query already exists

Deleting old pyPowerwall... pypowerwall pypowerwall

Deleting old telegraf... telegraf telegraf

Deleting old weather411... weather411 weather411

Restarting Powerwall-Dashboard stack... Running Docker Compose... [+] Running 5/5 ✔ Container pypowerwall Started 0.4s ✔ Container influxdb Running 0.0s ✔ Container weather411 Started 0.4s ✔ Container grafana Running 0.0s ✔ Container telegraf Started 0.2s

---------------[ Update Dashboard ]--------------- Open Grafana at http://localhost:9000/

From 'Dashboard/Browse', select 'New/Import', and upload 'dashboard.json' located in the folder /home/pi/Powerwall-Dashboard/dashboards/

Please note, you may need to select data sources for 'InfluxDB' and 'Sun and Moon' via the dropdowns and use 'Import (Overwrite)' button.

mcbirse commented 7 months ago

Hi @VenomrushCT - your upgrade output looks good, I don't see any issues?

Please note, the tessolarcharge.py script is part of pypowerwall tools, not Powerwall-Dashboard.