jasonacox / tinytuya

Python API for Tuya WiFi smart devices using a direct local area network (LAN) connection or the cloud (TuyaCloud API).
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Able to read status. But cannot turn on smart plug #506

Open krishgcek opened 3 weeks ago

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

I have 16 a smart plug. I have used tuya cutter and gor local keys. I can read status.

d.set_socketPersistent(True) d.turn_on() d.set_value(True,1,False) data=d.status() print(data) print (data) But the dp 1 value is always false.

jasonacox commented 3 weeks ago

Can you share the data you get back from d.status()? Sometimes the switch value is in a different position (DPS).

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

Can you share the data you get back from d.status()? Sometimes the switch value is in a different position (DPS).

DEBUG:decrypted 3.x payload='{"dps":{"1":false,"9":0,"18":0,"19":0,"20":2214,"21":1,"22":591,"23":24585,"24":13476,"25":3090,"26":0,"38":"memory","39":false,"40":"relay","41":false,"42":"","43":"","44":""}}' DEBUG:payload type = <class 'str'> DEBUG:decoded results='{"dps":{"1":false,"9":0,"18":0,"19":0,"20":2214,"21":1,"22":591,"23":24585,"24":13476,"25":3090,"26":0,"38":"memory","39":false,"40":"relay","41":false,"42":"","43":"","44":""}}' DEBUG:status() received data={'dps': {'1': False, '9': 0, '18': 0, '19': 0, '20': 2214, '21': 1, '22': 591, '23': 24585, '24': 13476, '25': 3090, '26': 0, '38': 'memory', '39': False, '40': 'relay', '41': False, '42': '', '43': '', '44': ''}}

jasonacox commented 3 weeks ago

Wow, that's a big list for a smart plug! Did you run the setup wizard? If so, you should have a devices.json file that will have the mapping of these DPS to function and type. Take a look at that and especially zoom in to 1, 39 and 41. Those seem like boolean values. You can try to set those.


This is the wrong arguments for set_value() but you might have meant set_status(). You could try:

d.set_value(1, True)
d.set_value(39, True)
d.set_value(41, True)
krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

Wow, that's a big list for a smart plug! Did you run the setup wizard? If so, you should have a devices.json file that will have the mapping of these DPS to function and type. Take a look at that and especially zoom in to 1, 39 and 41. Those seem like boolean values. You can try to set those.


This is the wrong arguments for set_value() but you might have meant set_status(). You could try:

d.set_value(1, True)
d.set_value(39, True)
d.set_value(41, True)

I got same status, DEBUG:status() received data={'dps': {'1': False, '9': 0, '18': 0, '19': 0, '20': 2124, '21': 1, '22': 591, '23': 24585, '24': 13476, '25': 3090, '26': 0, '38': 'memory', '39': False, '40': 'relay', '41': False, '42': '', '43': '', '44': ''}} {'dps': {'1': False, '9': 0, '18': 0, '19': 0, '20': 2124, '21': 1, '22': 591, '23': 24585, '24': 13476, '25': 3090, '26': 0, '38': 'memory', '39': False, '40': 'relay', '41': False, '42': '', '43': '', '44': ''}} I can see that '1' becomes True if I manually press the switch on the plug. It is 16amp 1 ch plug with energy monitoring

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

Dp 20 value is volt. So reading is correct

jasonacox commented 3 weeks ago

Try this:

import tinytuya
import time


d = tinytuya.OutletDevice(DEVICEID, DEVICEIP, DEVICEKEY)

# Show status of device
data = d.status()
print('\nCurrent Status of Plug: %r' % data)

# Power Control Test
print('\nPower Control Test')
print('    Turn off')
d.set_value(1, False)
# Show status of device
data = d.status()
print('\nCurrent Status of Plug: %r' % data)

print('    Turn on')
d.set_value(1, True)
# Show status of device
data = d.status()
print('\nCurrent Status of Plug: %r' % data)

You can also try to pull latest dev version and try again.

pip install tinytuya==1.14.1.dev0
krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

Try this:

import tinytuya
import time


d = tinytuya.OutletDevice(DEVICEID, DEVICEIP, DEVICEKEY)

# Show status of device
data = d.status()
print('\nCurrent Status of Plug: %r' % data)

# Power Control Test
print('\nPower Control Test')
print('    Turn off')
d.set_value(1, False)
# Show status of device
data = d.status()
print('\nCurrent Status of Plug: %r' % data)

print('    Turn on')
d.set_value(1, True)
# Show status of device
data = d.status()
print('\nCurrent Status of Plug: %r' % data)

You can also try to pull latest dev version and try again.

pip install tinytuya==1.14.1.dev0

Same here, Current Status of Plug: {'dps': {'1': False, '9': 0, '18': 0, '19': 0, '20': 2134, '21': 1, '22': 591, '23': 24585, '24': 13476, '25': 3090, '26': 0, '38': 'memory', '39': False, '40': 'relay', '41': False, '42': '', '43': '', '44': ''}}

jasonacox commented 3 weeks ago

Maybe this device doesn't allow local control. Have you tried pulling the plug to remove power for 10s or so and then try again? Every smart plug I have (all 60 of them) works with that simple script.

What do you get with:

python -m tinytuya scan

Would be good to confirm the device version. That could cause a problem if you are selecting the wrong one. I would also still recommend looking at the devices.json file to see if it reveals anything clever about the plug DPS.

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

After I manually turned on, Current Status of Plug: {'dps': {'1': True, '9': 0, '18': 0, '19': 0, '20': 2249, '21': 1, '22': 591, '23': 24585, '24': 13476, '25': 3090, '26': 0, '38': 'memory', '39': False, '40': 'relay', '41': False, '42': '', '43': '', '44': ''}} Turn on

jasonacox commented 3 weeks ago

I understand that. Unfortunately, without any more information (e.g. scan results or devices.json) I'm not able to help further. You might try tuyapi or local_tuya to see if you have more success.

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

I am not in home . I am using a remote connector to connect my home lan. So udp is not accessible. I will the scan after reaching home (mostly this weekend) and update you.

jasonacox commented 3 weeks ago

It would be helpful to see:

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

Here is what I got.

Unknown v3.3 Device Product ID = keyjup78v54myhan [Valid Broadcast]: Address = Device ID = lmKxZ1Vi8mO4kpll9VUz (len:20) Local Key = Version = 3.3 Type = default, MAC = No Stats for DEVICE KEY required to poll for status DEBUG:Received valid UDP packet: {'ip': '', 'gwId': 'lmKxZ1Vi8mO4kpll9VUz', 'active': 2, 'ablilty': 0, 'encrypt': True, 'productKey': 'keyjup78v54myhan', 'version': '3.3'}

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

ice.active&et=1&t=109&uuid=2M81Krr1iyiI&v=4.4&sign=e6a86de76fe68eb518c1e39abbbbd783', version='HTTP/1.1', remote_ip='') [06:40:46.831987 LOG (Client)] ==== Request body === {"token":"9kwbwC1h","softVer":"1.1.8","productKey":"keyjup78v54myhan","protocolVer":"2.2","baselineVer":"40.00","productKeyStr":"keyjup78v54myhan","devId":"tIZccYzRuLW1tr57hsZC","hid":"b8060d192605","modules":"[{\"otaChannel\":9,\"softVer\":\"1.1.8\",\"online\":true}]","devAttribute":579,"cadVer":"1.0.3","cdVer":"1.0.0","options":"{\"isFK\":true,\"otaChannel\":0}","t":109} [06:40:46.832036 LOG (Client)] ==== End request body === [06:40:46.832897 LOG (Server)] Response: {'result': {'schema': '[{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":1},{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":9},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":50000,"scale":3,"step":100,"type":"value"},"id":17,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":30000,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":18,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":80000,"scale":1,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":19,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":5000,"scale":1,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":20,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":5,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":21,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":1000000,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":22,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":1000000,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":23,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":1000000,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":24,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"min":0,"max":1000000,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":25,"type":"obj"},{"mode":"ro","property":{"type":"bitmap","maxlen":6},"id":26,"type":"obj"},{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"range":["off","on","memory"],"type":"enum"},"id":38},{"mode":"rw","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":39,"type":"obj"},{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"range":["relay","pos","none","on"],"type":"enum"},"id":40},{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":41},{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"type":"string","maxlen":255},"id":42},{"type":"obj","mode":"rw","property":{"type":"string","maxlen":255},"id":43},{"mode":"rw","property":{"type":"string","maxlen":255},"id":44,"type":"obj"}]', 'devId': 'lmKxZ1Vi8mO4kpll9VUz', 'resetFactory': False, 'timeZone': '+02:00', 'capability': 1025, 'secKey': 'xxxx', 'stdTimeZone': '+01:00', 'schemaId': '000004rr2q', 'dstIntervals': [], 'localKey': 'xxxxxx'}, 'success': True, 't': 1718260846}

i got above from tuya cutter. key masked

krishgcek commented 3 weeks ago

I was able to solve it by using i was able to solve it by using antela-spl-w-ty-pm-fr-ry-plug-with-energy-monitoring-cb2s-v1.1.8 profile in tuya cloud cutter