jasonacox / tuyapower

Python module to read status and energy monitoring data from Tuya based WiFi smart devices. This includes state (on/off), current (mA), voltage (V), and power (wattage).
MIT License
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Get info without scanning the network #21

Open ReneDyhr opened 2 years ago

ReneDyhr commented 2 years ago

Is there a way where I can scan the device for new data without having to scan the whole network all the time for devices? I do know the device id, ip etc.

jasonacox commented 2 years ago

Hi @ReneDyhr there are several ways to do this. If you just want a continuous loop monitor listening to updates, you can use this (from TinyTuya examples):

# TinyTuya Example
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 TinyTuya - Example script to monitor state changes with Tuya devices.

 Author: Jason A. Cox
 For more information see https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya

import tinytuya

# tinytuya.set_debug(True)

d = tinytuya.OutletDevice('DEVICEID', 'DEVICEIP', 'DEVICEKEY')

print(" > Send Request for Status < ")
payload = d.generate_payload(tinytuya.DP_QUERY)

print(" > Begin Monitor Loop <")
    # See if any data is available
    data = d.receive()
    print('Received Payload: %r' % data)

    # Send keyalive heartbeat
    print(" > Send Heartbeat Ping < ")
    payload = d.generate_payload(tinytuya.HEART_BEAT)

    # Uncomment if you want the monitor to constantly request status - otherwise you
    # will only get updates when state changes
    print(" > Send Request for Status < ")
    payload = d.generate_payload(tinytuya.DP_QUERY)

    # Uncomment if your device provides power monitoring data but it is not updating
    # Some devices require a UPDATEDPS command to force measurements of power.
    # print(" > Send DPS Update Request < ")
    # Most devices send power data on DPS indexes 18, 19 and 20
    # payload = d.generate_payload(tinytuya.UPDATEDPS,['18','19','20'])
    # Some Tuya devices will not accept the DPS index values for UPDATEDPS - try:
    # payload = d.generate_payload(tinytuya.UPDATEDPS)
    # d.send(payload)

If you just want to grab the status (power data, etc) you can use something as simple as this:

import tinytuya

# Connect to the device - replace with real values
d=tinytuya.OutletDevice(DEVICEID, DEVICEIP, DEVICEKEY)

# Get the status of the device 
# e.g. {'devId': '0071299988f9376255b', 'dps': {'1': True, '3': 208, '101': False}}
data = d.get_status()