jasonacox / tuyapower

Python module to read status and energy monitoring data from Tuya based WiFi smart devices. This includes state (on/off), current (mA), voltage (V), and power (wattage).
MIT License
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Gosund SP1 plug doesn't refresh power data without app running #34

Open katonagl opened 7 months ago

katonagl commented 7 months ago

My Gosund SP1 power meter plug does not refresh power data unless the smartlife app is running. I have tried all DPS update tricks found but no success. What can be the problem? The final goal would be to use it completely offline, i.e. without internet access.

jasonacox commented 7 months ago

That does happen to with some devices.

Did you try this?

import tinytuya
import time

d = tinytuya.OutletDevice(DEVICEID, DEVICEIP, DEVICEKEY)

data = d.status()

print(" > Wait 5 sec < ")

print(" > Request Update < ")
result = d.updatedps()
# some require params that you wish updated
#result = d.updatedps(['18','19','20'])

print(" > Fetch Status Again < ")
data2 = d.status()

print("Before %r" % data)
print("After  %r" % data2)

You could also try: https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/blob/master/examples/monitor.py

czytelny commented 4 months ago

d.updatedps() was the way to go for me.

I had the same problem that every time I read: tuyapower.deviceJSON(PLUGID2,PLUGIP2,PLUGKEY2,PLUGVERS2) I received "frozen" values - for example for 1 hour voltage was exactly the same. So I modified the script so that before calling for deviceJSON I'm doing:

device = tinytuya.OutletDevice(PLUGID, PLUGIP, PLUGKEY)

Thanks to that I'm always getting newest data :) maybe this will be useful for somebody