jasonasher / dc_doh_hackathon

Repository for the DC DOH Hackathon on September 23rd, 2017
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Extract Features from Construction Permit Data #9

Open jasonasher opened 6 years ago

jasonasher commented 6 years ago

Start with the Construction Permit data in the /Data Sets/Construction Permits/ folder in Dropbox.

Write a script that uses this data to produce a feature data table for

  1. The number of new construction permits issued in the last 4 weeks; and
  2. The number of construction permits in effect in each week.

You can find the data format and examples on the Feature Dataset Format tab in this document

Construction permits can have one or more types, among "excavation", "fixture", "paving", "landscaping", "projections", and "psrental:. These are delineated by columns 5-10 in the permit dataset. We will counts permits (potentially more than once) by these 6 classes as well as in total with the type key "any".

Input: CSV files with data for each given year

Output: A CSV file with

-1 row for each feature id, construction permit type and subtype, and each week, year, and census block -The dataset should include the following columns:

feature_id: The ID for the feature, in this case, "construction_permits_issued_last_4_weeks" or "construction_permits_in_effect" feature_type: Construction permit type as described above, with values in "excavation", "fixture", "paving", "landscaping", "projections", "psrental" or "any". feature_subtype: Left blank year: The ISO-8601 year of the feature value week: The ISO-8601 week number of the feature value census_block_2010: The 2010 Census Block of the feature value value: The value of the feature, i.e. the number of construction permits of the specified type either new in the previous 4 weeks or active during the week and year in question in the given census block.

When you are finished Submit a pull request on GitHub (or upload your scripts) Upload any files to Dropbox

Need more information? Flag Jason or Elizabeth, or ask your question in the comments below and we'll respond as soon as we can!

xavier-gutierrez commented 6 years ago

working on this one