jasoncoon / esp32-fastled-webserver

Work in progress ESP32 port of https://github.com/jasoncoon/esp8266-fastled-webserver
GNU General Public License v3.0
197 stars 66 forks source link

Loading OK, but won't control LEDs #24

Open emdeex opened 4 years ago

emdeex commented 4 years ago

Hi... thanks for any help in advance...

I've got my ESP32 working with the basic fastled library... I can control my WS2182B strip OK.

Now I've been working with this repo.... I've got it to compile and upload... and got the SPIFFS files loaded... so the web page will load via WiFi.


But using the same datapin (18) as I used on the basic fastled library... I can't get the web app to control the strip. I can move the sliders etc, but nothing happens.

I notice a broken icon link (trivial?)... and I'm not seeing any additional tabs like I saw on demos of the ESP8266 version...


seweryntalaj commented 4 years ago

I've got the same issue. I'm also using WS2812B ESP-WROOM-32

pins tested so far on the Feather ESP32: 13, 12, 27, 33, 15, 32, 14, SCL

Doesn't work on any of these, nor 2, 18 or 19.

Examples from https://github.com/eshkrab/FastLED-esp32 work just fine.

EDIT: From line 197 in esp32-fastled-webserver.ino presets for strips are listed. I've commented them all and uncommented line 192.

FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE, DATA_PIN, COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);

Now it works ;)