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Support for stable effects / palettes configuration #230

Open henrygab opened 2 years ago

henrygab commented 2 years ago

Currently, when the list of palettes or effects changes, any saved configuration is implicitly invalidated. This is because, currently, the value is stored as an integer index into the array. However, it is not currently detected as an invalid saved index. This is also true for the definition of the per-product default effect.



Solution is now written (but not yet tested on real hardware). Feedback on design is welcome on PR #234.

complex thoughts using constexpr, now moot


Here, I use the term `string` to refer to `const char *`, typically stored in ROM. The term `String` is an Arduino-specific construct, that unfortunately is not currently `constexpr` compliant. The term `F-string` refers to the Arduino-specific flash string helper, which is also not `constexpr` compliant.

### Expected functionality required: * A `constexpr` class that can be constructed from `F-String` or `const char *` as `constexpr`, and supports the below functionalities * `constexpr` case-sensitive comparison * `constexpr` case-sensitive equality * `constexpr` case-insensitive (US-EN, ASCII only) comparison * `constexpr` case-insensitive (US-EN, ASCII only) equality * `constexpr` case-sensitive `uint32_t` result hash function * `constexpr` conversion to lowercase (US-EN, ASCII only) version of string Then, given constant arrays of const POD structures, where one member is a `const char *` null-terminated string... * A `constexpr` function that, given that array and a hash of a target string, returns a first index to the matching string. * A `constexpr` function that, given that array and a target `string` or `F-String`, returns an array index that contains a matching string.
Psuedocode strawman

```c++ // ignoring the C++11 requirement that a constexpr be a single return statement ... this is just psuedocode template size_t IndexOfMatchingMemberImpl(T type, const char * stringToFind) { return ( constexpr_compliant_string_comparison( T[INDEX].Name, stringToFind ) == 0 ) ? INDEX : IndexOfMatchingMemberImpl(type, stringToFind); } template size_t IndexOfMatchingMemberImpl(T type, const char * stringToFind) { static_assert( constexpr_compliant_string_comparison( T[0].Name, stringToFind ) == 0, "Unable to find matching string" ); return ( constexpr_compliant_string_comparison( T[0].Name, stringToFind ) == 0 ) ? 0 : -1; } template size_t IndexOfMatchingMember(T type[N], const char * stringToFind) { return IndexOfMatchingMemberImpl(type, stringToFind); } ```

### What the above could enable * Products can store default patterns using **_friendly name_**, rather than opaque (and unstable) array index * Configuration can store array index + hash of the string, to detect invalidation ### Other considerations Maybe there's already a library to do this? See also: * https://newbedev.com/how-to-declare-constexpr-c-string * https://gist.github.com/dsanders11/8951887 * https://github.com/gelldur/gcpp/blob/master/src/gcpp/string/ConstexprString.hpp * https://sourceforge.net/p/constexprstr/code/HEAD/tree/no-pp-constexpr_string.cpp
tobi01001 commented 2 years ago

Isn't that a bit too much for just that purpose?

Just wondering if one could just use an enumeration (with incrementing values) where the enumeration entry is the friendly name. So why would one need to calculate hashes and store strings? OK, the friendly name is there anyway but it sounds rather complicated to me...

Cleaning the #ifdefs and simplifications in the number of patterns seems to be more useful?

on the otherr hand, I would of course be interested in what you come up with ;-)

jasoncoon commented 2 years ago

I'm interested in the discussion, but I would be fine with just changing the "magic number" when new patterns are added (or any other change that would invalidate stored settings) and reverting to the defaults. Especially given that settings can be imported/exported, saved, etc (although that whole UI could use some improvement).


henrygab commented 2 years ago

@jasoncoon ... Two questions:

  1. Can you help me understand how settings are currently imported / exported? Are you referring to the EEPROM settings? Or, is there code that generates JSON with the friendly names of the current palette / current effect, and HTML/Javascript that converts that back to an index? If so, that would be a reasonably good solution.

  2. What do you think about the simpler solutions listed below?

Of course, this issue is marked an enhancement. It was created to track my thoughts on how to avoid accidental bugs in future, which could be caught at compile-time. In particular, the following two cases were of particular interest:

A. Adding a new pattern, shifting a product's default pattern to a new index, without updating the default pattern in that product's configuration. This is currently not detectable, and is a "surprise" when noticed. B. Adding a new pattern, causing a user's existing selection to break on upgrade. This is currently not detected, and results in a user getting a surprise new default effect.

My current thinking, which I will now call Option3, avoids the complexities of the constexpr string templates altogether, and solves the problems above:

@tobi01001 - YES, I will absolutely share results of static string header, if I get it working as a std-free, C++11 header. As you may know, I contribute to the SimpleHacks UtilHeader depot, whose files are MIT-licensed, and try to target Arduino compatibility (no reliance on std namespace, and limit to C++11 features). That is where the results would be added, even if not used in this project.