jasongilman / SublimeClojureSetup

Sublime Text Clojure Workflow and Setup
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ClosureHelpers with Sublime Text 3 #1

Open djfarrelly opened 9 years ago

djfarrelly commented 9 years ago

It seems that when placing ClosureHelpers.py in the Packages/User directory for Sublime Text 3, the file cannot correctly import SublimeREPL. It seems I was able to change the import statements to:

import re, sublime, sublime_plugin
from SublimeREPL.sublimerepl import manager
import SublimeREPL.text_transfer as text_transfer

I'm not sure if 100% of the functionality of the helpers are working in ST3, but hopefully this can help someone else out who has seen similar issues!

djfarrelly commented 9 years ago

Additionally, it seems the LoadFileInReplCommand command isn't working in ST3, I've found a similar issue here: https://github.com/wuub/SublimeREPL/pull/133. The LoadFileToRepl plugin seems to work quite well to address this:


efraimmgon commented 4 years ago

I've forked the original project and updated it to work with ST3.