Open jinwg opened 7 years ago
Me too.
(+ 1 1)
Built-in Atom Packages (89)
├── atom-dark-syntax@0.27.0
├── atom-dark-ui@0.52.0
├── atom-light-syntax@0.28.0
├── atom-light-ui@0.45.0
├── base16-tomorrow-dark-theme@1.3.0
├── base16-tomorrow-light-theme@1.3.0
├── one-dark-ui@1.6.2
├── one-light-ui@1.6.2
├── one-dark-syntax@1.5.0
├── one-light-syntax@1.5.0
├── solarized-dark-syntax@1.0.5
├── solarized-light-syntax@1.0.5
├── about@1.7.0
├── archive-view@0.62.0
├── autocomplete-atom-api@0.10.0
├── autocomplete-css@0.13.1
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├── autocomplete-plus@2.31.4
├── autocomplete-snippets@1.11.0
├── autoflow@0.27.0
├── autosave@0.23.1
├── background-tips@0.26.1
├── bookmarks@0.42.0
├── bracket-matcher@0.82.2
├── command-palette@0.39.0
├── deprecation-cop@0.54.1
├── dev-live-reload@0.47.0
├── encoding-selector@0.22.0
├── exception-reporting@0.40.0
├── find-and-replace@0.202.2
├── fuzzy-finder@1.4.0
├── git-diff@1.1.0
├── go-to-line@0.31.0
├── grammar-selector@0.48.2
├── image-view@0.60.0
├── incompatible-packages@0.26.1
├── keybinding-resolver@0.35.0
├── line-ending-selector@0.5.0
├── link@0.31.2
├── markdown-preview@0.158.8
├── metrics@1.1.2
├── notifications@0.65.1
├── open-on-github@1.2.1
├── package-generator@1.0.1
├── settings-view@0.243.1
├── snippets@1.0.4
├── spell-check@0.68.4
├── status-bar@1.4.1
├── styleguide@0.47.2
├── symbols-view@0.113.1
├── tabs@0.103.0
├── timecop@0.33.2
├── tree-view@0.210.0
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├── whitespace@0.35.0
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├── language-c@0.54.0
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├── language-csharp@0.13.0
├── language-css@0.40.1
├── language-gfm@0.88.0
├── language-git@0.15.0
├── language-go@0.43.0
├── language-html@0.47.1
├── language-hyperlink@0.16.1
├── language-java@0.24.0
├── language-javascript@0.122.0
├── language-json@0.18.3
├── language-less@0.29.6
├── language-make@0.22.2
├── language-mustache@0.13.0
├── language-objective-c@0.15.1
├── language-perl@0.37.0
├── language-php@0.37.3
├── language-property-list@0.8.0
├── language-python@0.45.1
├── language-ruby@0.70.2
├── language-ruby-on-rails@0.25.1
├── language-sass@0.57.0
├── language-shellscript@0.23.0
├── language-source@0.9.0
├── language-sql@0.25.0
├── language-text@0.7.1
├── language-todo@0.29.1
├── language-toml@0.18.1
├── language-xml@0.34.12
└── language-yaml@0.27.1
Community Packages (8) /Users/lyndsysimon/.atom/packages
├── Parinfer@1.16.0
├── activate-power-mode@1.1.0
├── highlight-selected@0.11.2
├── ink@0.6.2
├── lisp-paredit@0.5.4
├── proto-repl@1.4.10
├── set-syntax@0.3.2
└── tool-bar@1.0.1
Me too, except I get Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'constructor' of null
. Just by launching a remote REPL and adding (+ 1 1)
I'm not seeing this issue. @KeatonDunsford or @lyndsysimon can you produce a stack trace of the problem. Are you both just trying to execute text entered at the REPL?
I am seeing the same when hitting the run button at the top of the REPL tab.
ypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.executeEnteredText (/Users/nfa02/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/ at /Users/nfa02/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/ at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/Applications/ at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Applications/ at Console._eval (/Users/nfa02/.atom/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:235:20) at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (/Users/nfa02/.atom/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:101:56)
The problem only occurs when I use the "Toggle Current Project Clj" command to start a repl, but not when I connect to an existing nrepl server.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.executeEnteredText (/Users/lyndsysimon/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at /Users/lyndsysimon/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/Applications/
at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Applications/
at Console._eval (/Users/lyndsysimon/.atom/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:235:20)
at atom-text-editor.consoleEvaluate (/Users/lyndsysimon/.atom/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:43:60)
at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/Applications/
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/Applications/
at WindowEventHandler.module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEvent (/Applications/
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (/Applications/
i was able to rectify this by using my lein.bat full path c:\Users\my-user\.lein\bin\lein.bat. Also I had it entered into the boot path and not the lein path. After i made those changes it is working without having to connect to existing server
I only started receiving this error after installing Java 9, which prevented lein from running altogether. After removing it, everything started working again.
I think this happens if you start the default lein project, such as when toggle a repl inside an Atom buffer that has no file.
Just got this error as well.
[Enter steps to reproduce:]
Atom: 1.16.0 x64 Electron: 1.3.13 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.4 Thrown From: proto-repl package 1.4.20
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
At /Users/johria/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.executeEnteredText (/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at /packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/app.asar/node_modules/event-kit/lib/emitter.js:25:14)
at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/app.asar/node_modules/event-kit/lib/emitter.js:129:28)
at Console._eval (/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:235:20)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:101:56)
2x -8:50.3.0 core:close (input.hidden-input)
-1:15.5.0 editor:split-selections-into-lines (
-1:13.4.0 proto-repl:clear-repl (
-1:07.6.0 proto-repl:toggle (
4x -1:07.4.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
highlight-selected 0.13.1
Hydrogen 1.12.0
ink 0.6.5
lisp-paredit 0.5.5
Parinfer 1.17.0
platformio-ide-terminal 2.5.0
pretty-json 1.6.3
proto-repl 1.4.20
proto-repl-charts 0.4.1
Sublime-Style-Column-Selection 1.7.4
swackets 0.26.0
tool-bar 1.1.0
This happens to me when I press the run button:
Another stack trace where the REPL prevents insertion of a newline. Not sure what else would be required to reproduce. Hope this helps!
(require 'clojure-getting-started.web)
)Atom: 1.17.0-beta5 x64 Electron: 1.3.15 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.5 Thrown From: proto-repl package 1.4.20
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
At /Users/Fallback/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.executeEnteredText (/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at /packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/Applications/Atom
at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Applications/Atom
at Console._eval (/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:235:20)
at /packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:43:60)
at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/Atom
at /Applications/Atom
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/Applications/Atom
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/Applications/Atom
at WindowEventHandler.module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEvent (/Applications/Atom
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (/Applications/Atom
atom-beautify 0.29.24
clojure-indent 0.2.0
file-icons 2.1.5
improved-chester-atom-syntax 0.3.0 (disabled)
ink 0.6.5
proto-repl 1.4.20
release-notes 0.53.0
scroll-through-time 0.2.0 (disabled)
Precondition: This happens with the repl open with or without a document opened
(+ 1 2)
Also I get: Could not locate compliment/core__init.class or compliment/core.clj on classpath.
after dismissing and trying to continue type
Atom: 1.17.2 x64 Electron: 1.3.15 OS: Mac OS X 10.12.5 Thrown From: proto-repl package 1.4.20
{:user {:plugins [[cider/cider-nrepl "0.14.0"]
[venantius/ultra "0.5.1"]
[com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "0.18.1"]
[proto-repl "0.3.1"]]}}
{:debug-repl {:resource-paths [#=(eval (System/getenv "PATH_TO_TOOLS_JAR"))]
:repl-options {:nrepl-middleware [debug-middleware.core/debug-middleware]}
:dependencies [[debug-middleware #=(eval (System/getenv "DEBUG_MIDDLEWARE_VERSION"))]]}}
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
At /Users/marcoslh/.atom/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.executeEnteredText (/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at /packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Function.module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatch (/Applications/
at Emitter.module.exports.Emitter.emit (/Applications/
at Console._eval (/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:235:20)
at /packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:43:60)
at CommandRegistry.module.exports.CommandRegistry.handleCommandEvent (/Applications/
at /Applications/
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.dispatchCommandEvent (/Applications/
at KeymapManager.module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEvent (/Applications/
at WindowEventHandler.module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEvent (/Applications/
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (/Applications/
-4:15.9.0 proto-repl:toggle (atom-workspace.workspace.scrollbars-visible-always.theme-newton-dark-syntax.theme-one-dark-ui)
-4:15.8.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
12x -3:21.1.0 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
-3:02.2.0 console:evaluate (input.hidden-input)
2x -2:57.2.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
-2:17.5.0 proto-repl:exit-repl (input.hidden-input)
-2:13.4.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
-2:01.3.0 proto-repl:toggle (input.hidden-input)
-1:38.1.0 console:evaluate (input.hidden-input)
-1:32.9.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
-1:08.1.0 console:evaluate (input.hidden-input)
-1:06.2.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
-1:05.7.0 console:evaluate (input.hidden-input)
5x -1:03.1.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
-0:03.3.0 console:evaluate (input.hidden-input)
-0:00.2.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
atom-beautify 0.29.26
atom-django 0.3.2
atom-typescript 11.0.3
autocomplete-java 1.2.7
busy-signal 1.4.1
color-picker 2.2.5
django-templates 0.5.0
editorconfig 2.2.2
emmet 2.4.3
ex-mode 0.15.0
file-icons 2.1.7
git-log 0.4.1
git-plus 7.9.2
git-tab-status 1.9.2
highlight-selected 0.13.1
ink 0.6.5
intentions 1.1.2
language-lisp 0.2.0
language-matlab 0.2.1
language-nunjucks 4.1.0
language-rust 0.4.10
language-viml 1.1.3
linter 2.1.4
linter-coffeelint 1.2.1
linter-csslint 1.3.4
linter-eslint 8.2.1
linter-flake8 2.2.1
linter-javac 1.9.4
linter-jscs 4.1.2
linter-jshint 3.1.2
linter-python-pep8 0.2.0
linter-scss-lint 3.1.0
linter-ui-default 1.6.0
lisp-paredit 0.5.5
merge-conflicts 1.4.5
monokai 0.24.0
newton-dark-syntax 1.1.7
newton-dark-ui 1.1.2
Parinfer 1.18.0
pigments 0.39.1
platformio-ide-terminal 2.5.1
pretty-json 1.6.3
proto-repl 1.4.20
proto-repl-charts 0.4.1
react 0.16.2
remote-sync 4.1.5
set-syntax 0.3.2
sort-lines 0.14.0
symbols-tree-view 0.14.0
tesla-atom 4.0.0
tool-bar 1.1.0
vim-mode-plus 0.93.0
I can't reproduce this on my PC but I note that for most reports where a platform is reported, it seems to be Macintosh.
I am working on a Mac, and this problem has recurred. It happens after certain updates to Proto-REPL/atom. Is there a way to rollback these updates, when a problem occurs?
The most recent atom-ink (June 15) update caused the REPL to stop, but I didn't note the error/stack messages. A Proto-REPL update, a few hours later, resolved the problem but left Proto-REPL very slow to respond. Today (June 16) I updated to atom-ink 0.7.2, and get this error. Proto-REPL remains unusably slow to respond to my actions.
Running into this issue as well on Mac, while connecting to a remote Nrepl. Is there a known working combination of proto-repl
and ink
I can fall back to?
Regarding the slow response - I resolved this by disabling all Git update packages. The problem might be resolved since but, I don't use Git, so...
Still no updates on this? I keep hitting enter
instead of shift + enter
and get this error
I've just bumped into the problem.
I just ran into this problem, again, and my previous 'workaround' doesn't work.
I'm pretty sure that, with ANY update to ink, like I ran yesterday, I re-encounter this problem.
Is there any solution for this problem yet?
I am also having this problem. It seems like whenever I start with a "new" repl, as in I reinstalled it, it works the first time I start it. Then every time I try to do (+ 1 1) after that it gives me this error.
Atom: 1.41.0 x64 Electron: 4.2.7 OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Thrown From: proto-repl package 1.4.24
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
At C:\Users\Connor\.atom\packages\proto-repl\lib\views\
TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
at InkConsole.module.exports.InkConsole.executeEnteredText (/packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at /packages/proto-repl/lib/views/
at Function.simpleDispatch (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.41.0/resources/app/static/<embedded>:11:1211909)
at Emitter.emit (~/AppData/Local/atom/app-1.41.0/resources/app/static/<embedded>:11:1213350)
at Console._eval (/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:234:20)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (/packages/ink/lib/console/console.js:102:56)
-1:15.1.0 proto-repl:toggle (
-1:12 editor:newline (input.hidden-input)
2x -1:10.2.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
-0:51.8.0 proto-repl:toggle (
34x -0:45 core:backspace (input.hidden-input)
-0:31.2.0 autocomplete-plus:cancel (
highlight-selected 0.16.0
ink 0.10.2
lisp-paredit 0.6.0
parinfer 1.23.0
proto-repl 1.4.24
script 3.25.0
set-syntax 0.4.0
tool-bar 1.2.0
I had same problem, just try to reload atom but first stop repl connection. it should works.
[Enter steps to reproduce below:]
Atom Version: 1.12.7 Electron Version: 1.3.13 System: Mac OS X 10.12.2 Thrown From: proto-repl package, v1.4.10
Stack Trace
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getInput' of null
Installed Packages