jasongin / noble-uwp

Noble (Node.js Bluetooth LE) with Windows 10 UWP bindings
MIT License
83 stars 45 forks source link

crash on node 7.9.0 #8

Closed farfromrefug closed 7 years ago

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

With the latest nodejs, noble-uwp crashes every time It works with the same test on 6.x. Could you update the uwp projects for node 7.x ? I think it might solve the issue. Thanks

on -> stateChange: poweredOn
on -> discover:  undefined null
on -> discover:  undefined NeOse Pro Backup 1.3.35
on -> discover:  undefined NeOse Dev Martin
Stacktrace (bbbbbbbb-bbbbbbbb) 00000109134038B9 0000000000000000:
==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: 00000109134266A1 <JS Object>#0#
    1: checkCommunicationResult(aka checkCommunicationResult) [C:\dev\noble-uwp\lib\bindings.js:746] [pc=000000106CEBA220](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>,deviceUuid=000002894B1AACB1 <String[12]: 001bdc06cbed>,result=00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#)
    2: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [C:\dev\noble-uwp\lib\bindings.js:170] [pc=000000106CEB9F01](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>,result=00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#)
    3: PromiseHandle(aka PromiseHandle) [native promise.js:1] [pc=000000106CEA8B42](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>,F=00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#,J=000002894B1B1309 <JS Function rt.promisify.then.result (SharedFunctionInfo 000001204D1957B9)>#2#,K=000002894B1B14F9 <an Object with map 0000001ECCAAE1A9>#3#)
    4: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [native promise.js:1] [pc=000000106CEA87EA](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>)

==== Details ================================================

[1]: checkCommunicationResult(aka checkCommunicationResult) [C:\dev\noble-uwp\lib\bindings.js:746] [pc=000000106CEBA220](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>,deviceUuid=000002894B1AACB1 <String[12]: 001bdc06cbed>,result=00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#) {
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [03] : 000001204D196271 <FixedArray[20]>#4#
  [02] : 2
  [01] : 0000010913403501 <String[6]: status>
  [00] : 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function checkCommunicationResult(deviceUuid, result) {\x0d\x0a\x09if (result.status === GattCommunicationStatus.unreachable) {\x0d\x0a\x09\x09throw new Error('Device unreachable: ' + deviceUuid);\x0d\x0a\x09} else if (result.status === GattCommunicationStatus.protocolError) {\x0d\x0a\x09\x09throw new Error('Protocol error communicating with device: ' + deviceUuid);\x0d\x0a\x09}\x0d\x0a}

[2]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [C:\dev\noble-uwp\lib\bindings.js:170] [pc=000000106CEB9F01](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>,result=00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var services = 0000024244802351 <the hole>
  var serviceUuids = 0000024244802351 <the hole>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [05] : 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
  [04] : 000002894B1AACB1 <String[12]: 001bdc06cbed>
  [03] : 0000024244802311 <undefined>
  [02] : 0000026E92F233D9 <JS Function checkCommunicationResult (SharedFunctionInfo 000001998EE5D299)>#5#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function result => {\x0d\x0a\x09\x09checkCommunicationResult(deviceUuid, result);\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x09\x09let services = rt.toArray(result.services);\x0d\x0a\x09\x09let serviceUuids = services.map(s => formatUuid(s.uuid))\x0d\x0a\x09\x09\x09.filter(filterUuids(filterServiceUuids));\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a\x09\x09debug(deviceUuid + ' services: %o', serviceUuids);\x0d\x0a\x09\x09this.emit('servicesDiscov...


[3]: PromiseHandle(aka PromiseHandle) [native promise.js:1] [pc=000000106CEA8B42](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>,F=00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#,J=000002894B1B1309 <JS Function rt.promisify.then.result (SharedFunctionInfo 000001204D1957B9)>#2#,K=000002894B1B14F9 <an Object with map 0000001ECCAAE1A9>#3#) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var D = 0000024244802421 <false>
  var L = 0000024244802311 <undefined>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [06] : 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
  [05] : 0000024244802311 <undefined>
  [04] : 000002894B1B1309 <JS Function rt.promisify.then.result (SharedFunctionInfo 000001204D1957B9)>#2#
  [03] : 000001091341ADE1 <FixedArray[45]>#6#
  [02] : 000001091341ADE1 <FixedArray[45]>#6#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function PromiseHandle(F,J,K){\x0avar D=(%_DebugIsActive()!=0);\x0atry{\x0aif(D)%DebugPushPromise(K.promise);\x0avar L=J(F);\x0aK.resolve(L);\x0a}%catch(exception){\x0atry{K.reject(exception);}catch(e){}\x0a}finally{\x0aif(D)%DebugPopPromise();\x0a}\x0a}

[4]: /* anonymous */(aka /* anonymous */) [native promise.js:1] [pc=000000106CEA87EA](this=0000024244802311 <undefined>) {
  // stack-allocated locals
  var P = 0000024244802311 <undefined>
  // expression stack (top to bottom)
  [05] : 000002894B1B14F9 <an Object with map 0000001ECCAAE1A9>#3#
  [04] : 000002894B1B1309 <JS Function rt.promisify.then.result (SharedFunctionInfo 000001204D1957B9)>#2#
  [03] : 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
  [02] : 0000024244802311 <undefined>
  [01] : 000001091341B489 <JS Function PromiseHandle (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244822939)>#7#
--------- s o u r c e   c o d e ---------
function (){\x0aif(O){\x0a%DebugAsyncTaskEvent({type:"willHandle",id:M,name:N});\x0a}\x0aif((%_IsArray(H))){\x0afor(var P=0;P<H.length;P+=2){\x0aPromiseHandle(F,H[P],H[P+1]);\x0a}\x0a}else{\x0aPromiseHandle(F,H,I);\x0a}\x0aif(O){\x0a%DebugAsyncTaskEvent({type:"didHandle",id:M,name:N});\x0a}\x0a}

==== Key         ============================================

 #0# 00000109134266A1: 00000109134266A1 <JS Object>
 #1# 00000109134038B9: 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>
                 0: 0000010913403EB1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244807FB1)>#8#
                 1: 0
                 2: 00000109134266A1 <JS Object>#0#
                 3: 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
                 4: 000003F31E2A0159 <JS Global Object>#9#
                 5: 000003F31E2A0371 <FixedArray[33]>#10#
                 6: 0000036566585F31 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>#11#
                 7: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 8: 0000010913408C81 <JS Function ArrayBuffer (SharedFunctionInfo 00000242448449A1)>#12#
                 9: 00000365665830C9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS)>#13#
 #2# 000002894B1B1309: 000002894B1B1309 <JS Function rt.promisify.then.result (SharedFunctionInfo 000001204D1957B9)>
 #3# 000002894B1B14F9: 000002894B1B14F9 <an Object with map 0000001ECCAAE1A9>
           promise: 000002894B1B1389 <a Promise with map 0000001ECCAAE201>#14#
           resolve: 000002894B1B1431 <JS Function y (SharedFunctionInfo 0000026E92F6EC61)>#15#
            reject: 000002894B1B1479 <JS Function z (SharedFunctionInfo 0000026E92F6ED29)>#16#
 #4# 000001204D196271: 000001204D196271 <FixedArray[20]>
                 0: 000001204D196121 <FixedArray[5]>#17#
                 1: 1
                 2: 00000242448049F9 <Symbol: uninitialized_symbol>#18#
                 3: 00000242448049F9 <Symbol: uninitialized_symbol>#18#
                 4: 00000242448049F9 <Symbol: uninitialized_symbol>#18#
                 5: 00000242448049F9 <Symbol: uninitialized_symbol>#18#
                 6: 0
                 7: 00000242448049F9 <Symbol: uninitialized_symbol>#18#
                 8: 0
                 9: 0000024244802559 WeakCell for 0#19#
 #5# 0000026E92F233D9: 0000026E92F233D9 <JS Function checkCommunicationResult (SharedFunctionInfo 000001998EE5D299)>
 #6# 000001091341ADE1: 000001091341ADE1 <FixedArray[45]>
                 0: 000001091341AF59 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244821B49)>#20#
                 1: 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
                 3: 00000109134038B9 <FixedArray[189]>#1#
                 4: 0000010913406891 <JS Function InternalArray (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244848981)>#21#
                 5: 0000024244804429 <Symbol: promise_async_stack_id_symbol>#22#
                 6: 00000242448045F1 <Symbol: promise_handled_by_symbol>#23#
                 7: 0000024244804539 <Symbol: promise_forwarding_handler_symbol>#24#
                 8: 00000242448046A1 <Symbol: promise_has_handler_symbol>#25#
                 9: 0000024244804749 <Symbol: promise_reject_reactions_symbol>#26#
 #7# 000001091341B489: 000001091341B489 <JS Function PromiseHandle (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244822939)>
 #8# 0000010913403EB1: 0000010913403EB1 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244807FB1)>
 #9# 000003F31E2A0159: 000003F31E2A0159 <JS Global Object>
 #10# 000003F31E2A0371: 000003F31E2A0371 <FixedArray[33]>
                 0: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 1: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 2: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 3: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 4: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 5: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 6: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 7: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 8: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 9: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
 #11# 0000036566585F31: 0000036566585F31 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS)>
 #12# 0000010913408C81: 0000010913408C81 <JS Function ArrayBuffer (SharedFunctionInfo 00000242448449A1)>
 #13# 00000365665830C9: 00000365665830C9 <Map(FAST_HOLEY_SMI_ELEMENTS)>
 #14# 000002894B1B1389: 000002894B1B1389 <a Promise with map 0000001ECCAAE201>
 #15# 000002894B1B1431: 000002894B1B1431 <JS Function y (SharedFunctionInfo 0000026E92F6EC61)>
 #16# 000002894B1B1479: 000002894B1B1479 <JS Function z (SharedFunctionInfo 0000026E92F6ED29)>
 #17# 000001204D196121: 000001204D196121 <FixedArray[5]>
                 0: 18
                 1: 000001204D196159 <FixedArray[11]>#27#
                 2: 41945090
                 3: 2326624
                 4: 234921986
 #18# 00000242448049F9: 00000242448049F9 <Symbol: uninitialized_symbol>
 #19# 0000024244802559: 0000024244802559 WeakCell for 0
 #20# 000001091341AF59: 000001091341AF59 <JS Function (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244821B49)>
 #21# 0000010913406891: 0000010913406891 <JS Function InternalArray (SharedFunctionInfo 0000024244848981)>
 #22# 0000024244804429: 0000024244804429 <Symbol: promise_async_stack_id_symbol>
 #23# 00000242448045F1: 00000242448045F1 <Symbol: promise_handled_by_symbol>
 #24# 0000024244804539: 0000024244804539 <Symbol: promise_forwarding_handler_symbol>
 #25# 00000242448046A1: 00000242448046A1 <Symbol: promise_has_handler_symbol>
 #26# 0000024244804749: 0000024244804749 <Symbol: promise_reject_reactions_symbol>
 #27# 000001204D196159: 000001204D196159 <FixedArray[11]>
                 0: 1
                 1: 0
                 2: 4
                 3: 7
                 4: 0000024244802D19 <String[5]: Error>
                 5: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 6: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 7: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 8: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
                 9: 0000024244802311 <undefined>
jasongin commented 7 years ago

@farfromrefug Did you rebuild noble-uwp after switching from node v6 to node v7? Node addons are not binary-compatible across node major versions. (I'm actually part of a working group that is fixing that problem, but it's a longer-term solution.)

jasongin commented 7 years ago

If that's not the problem, then this would likely be a NodeRT issue. It might be one more reason to not use NodeRT in this project.

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@jasongin Yes that issue appears while noble-uwp is actually built with node v7 by doing npm rebuild --runtime-electron --target=1.6.6 --arch=x64 --rebuild

But when did you actually create the project? (cpp files). It seems that node rt made some fixes for Electron And it seems like you use files generated with nodeRT. maybe they are not up to date?

jasongin commented 7 years ago

I last generated the files with the latest NodeRT maybe a month or two ago, so it was long after those linked electron fixes.

I'll try to investigate with Node version 7, and open bugs against NodeRT depending on what I find.

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@jasongin i can do it too if you don't have time ;) Is there s like an easy command to generate the sources from nodert? Thanks

jasongin commented 7 years ago

I probably won't have time to work on this for at least a few days, so go for it!

The NodeRT code-generation commands are saved at https://github.com/jasongin/noble-uwp/blob/master/uwp/generate-uwp.cmd

Note I had to manually patch the generated code in one place to fix a build error. I still need to open a bug against NodeRT for that...

I think re-generating the code is unlikely to fix anything, since I don't see any recent updates to NodeRT.

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@jasongin thanks will try. Even if it does not fix anything at least i can report saying we tried with the latest build!

nadavbar commented 7 years ago

Hi @jasongin and @farfromrefug , I believe that the issue here was due to a change in the memory management policy in the v8 versions that node 7.* picks up and it did cause a dormant bug in NodeRT to appear. I just fixed it in the latest NodeRT release (2.0.5) (in https://github.com/NodeRT/NodeRT/commit/b51321c3e861b448fb36dd6b2ed61af0e06de3c4), and I have a good reason to believe that it should fix this issue as well.

I didn't have the chance to reproduce this exact issue, but in case you guys can verify that this issue is now fixed, that would be super helpful :)

jasongin commented 7 years ago

Thanks @nadavbar! @farfromrefug or I will verify that this is fixed.

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

Thanks @nadavbar ! @jasongin do i just need to build or do we need to re generate the project? Actually i see now that i need to re-generate ;) Will try when i have time THanks

nadavbar commented 7 years ago

@farfromrefug - Another option is just to replace the NodeRTUtils.cpp file in all of the modules (each NodeRT module has it's own version) and then rebuild. You can grab it from here: https://github.com/NodeRT/NodeRT/blob/master/src/NodeRTLib/ProjectFiles/NodeRtUtils.cpp

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@nadavbar that's a lot easier ;) Thanks Will try today then

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@jasongin @nadavbar It works! I dont see anymore crash using noble-uwp Thanks a lot!

jasongin commented 7 years ago

I merged the fix here:https://github.com/jasongin/noble-uwp/commit/2ba36a460b6632afa251dc30fbd75eb804e6ed8d

farfromrefug commented 7 years ago

@jasongin thanks! will close my PR then