jasonish / evebox

Web Based Event Viewer (GUI) for Suricata EVE Events in Elastic Search
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EVEBOX_DATA_DIRECTORY ignored -- Was: Add authentication to HTTP frontend #259

Closed ngms17 closed 1 year ago

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

How can i add authentication to access the web frontend? I tried using evebox config -D /var/lib/evebox/ users rm --username teste to add a new user and enabled the authentication in the config file.

Despite this steps, it gives me "Login failed"

jasonish commented 1 year ago

A quick test with 0.16.0 and its working for me...

My evebox.yaml:

  required: true
  type: usernamepassword

And then added a user like:

evebox -D /var/lib/evebox config users add --username admin --password admin

Can you verify your config and that your user exists? (evebox config users list)

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

Forgot to mention that i am using the version 0.17.0-dev. Users exist when i run evebox config users list.

Added user

evebox -D /var/lib/evebox config users add --username admin --password admin

User exist



Screenshot 2023-03-15 174934

jasonish commented 1 year ago

Forgot to mention that i am using the version 0.17.0-dev. Users exist when i run evebox config users list

Oh, -D, --data-directory is always required for this stuff. I'll re-test on 0.17.0.

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

Updated the comment above with some info

jasonish commented 1 year ago

Does the server provide a log message as to why? For example, if the password is bad you'll see:

2023-03-15 11:55:31  WARN evebox::server::api::login: Login failure for username=admin, error=BadPassword("admin")

Note, thats not actually the password in the BadPassword, that is the username.

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

It provides this log message:

INFO evebox::server::main: Authentication required but no session found.
evebox[2475]: 2023-03-15 17:57:03  WARN evebox::server::api::login: Login failure for username=admin, error=UsernameNotFound("admin")
jasonish commented 1 year ago

Does the server have the same -D /var/lib/evebox option? If running from a Deb/RPM it should, but maybe something is wrong there.

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

Yes. I am using -D /var/lib/evebox. Inside that directory exists a config.sqlite file

jasonish commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately I'm not sure whats going. I have tested this scenario with both 0.16.0 and the current git main and both worked. There are no significant changes between 0.16.0 and main that would have an affect on this either.

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

Do i need to configure anything else rather then creating a user and add to the config file authentication: true?

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

This is my evebox service file. Everything is ok?

cat /lib/systemd/system/evebox.service
Description=EveBox Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/evebox server $ELASTICSEARCH_URL $CONFIG $EVEBOX_OPTS
Environment=CONFIG="-c /etc/evebox/evebox.yaml"


Tried with the 0.16 version and it did not work as well. Web browser console indicates:

name: "HttpErrorResponse"
ok: false
status: 401
statusText: "Unauthorized"


jasonish commented 1 year ago

I think I know the issue, its a bug. Please add

data-directory: /var/lib/evebox

somewhere to your /etc/evebox/evebox.yaml? I think I broke the auto-reading of env vars by name.

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

It worked!!! Many thanks!!!

jasonish commented 1 year ago

Thanks for bearing with me. Its a bug that I'll fix. It should have worked given your config.

jasonish commented 1 year ago

Fixed in git main now. Thanks for reporting!

ngms17 commented 1 year ago

Noticed another potential issue. When downloading a pcap, it gives me "authentication required" on the webpage

jasonish commented 1 year ago

Noticed another potential issue. When downloading a pcap, it gives me "authentication required" on the webpage



jasonish commented 1 year ago

Noticed another potential issue. When downloading a pcap, it gives me "authentication required" on the webpage

This is fixed in the latest development builds.