jasonjmcghee / rem

An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
MIT License
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Intel Build - Toggle Time Line and Search not working #102

Open AnonHamlin opened 2 weeks ago

AnonHamlin commented 2 weeks ago

When navigating to the Toggle Time Line and Search using the Intel Build for my Mac I am presented with a white screen "nothing to remember or missing frame (if missing still in Alpha). Otherwise it works well with my Intel. I like the "Copy Recent Context" for my LLM.

Maybe in the future we can have this context dumped into a file for the LLM to use.

Anyway awsome to use, I've been looking for something like this.

cparish312 commented 2 weeks ago

Are you using the newest release (v0.1.14)? Also are you using external monitors?

jasonjmcghee commented 2 weeks ago

Can you check out #99? I'm thinking this is a duplicate issue.

Regarding context- it's available via file! Specifically SQLite. All copy from context does is query it.

It's the "framesText" table, column "text".

You can see where it was added here, along with the schema.


It's also available via "allText" table.

You can see an example of accessing / using it in this repo I made https://github.com/jasonjmcghee/ragpipe

AnonHamlin commented 2 weeks ago

Correct I am using rem-0.1.14-intel.dmg, and no I do not have any external monitors. I have purged/deleted all the data and have reinstalled. The problem is still there:

.mp4 files are created, but have 0 size toggle timeline is empty

I have also tried as what was suggested and this does not work:

"Always record window with mouse" enabled. "Only OCR Region of active application" disabled.

  1. Install REM
  2. Begin recording
  3. Saves a bunch of zero byte MP4s

Regarding context, this is great news! I just had a play and the LLM manages to access it! Very happy with this.

cparish312 commented 1 week ago

Hmm interesting that the text tables are being populated but the mp4s are empty. If you are able to build rem through Xcode and check the log that would probably be the easiest way to help debug.