jasonjmcghee / rem

An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
MIT License
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Specify path to files #104

Open mattorp opened 5 months ago

mattorp commented 5 months ago

Is it possible to store the files elsewhere, eg in an iCloud folder?

dollarusername commented 4 months ago

Likely you can just make a symlink from /Users/username/Library/Containers/today.jason.rem/Data/Library/Application\ Support/today.jason.rem to somewhere like /Users/username/Library/Mobile\ Documents/rem

jasonjmcghee commented 4 months ago

Whoops missed responding to this ticket other than labeling.

You absolutely can, but you'll need update the path and rebuild it.

It's where it is to require minimal permissions / comply with apple sandboxing stuff.

It's definitely possible to allow storing in another place as a user setting as well, but will require some additional permissions checks etc.

Supportive of the feature!