jasonjmcghee / rem

An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
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Better multi-monitor support #47

Open jasonjmcghee opened 5 months ago

jasonjmcghee commented 5 months ago

This is going to dramatically impact performance if we record both at all times.

We need to think this through and consider a "record active display" kind of experience.

But- the drawback here regardless is that the capped screen no longer has the guarantee of matching the laptop screen resolution. Honestly - that's a problem in general if you plug in a monitor.

Anyway, would be great to think this through / plan it out.

vkehfdl1 commented 5 months ago

Really need this

happy15 commented 5 months ago

My case: usually I put one edge window in my second monitor (laptop) for reference to do the job at the main monitor (external dell).

jasonjmcghee commented 5 months ago

So, how do you think this should work?

I think it’s either:


Assuming “record all screens all the time”


Are they individually pannable? Synced?

I’m thinking something like…

All synced, try to display screens at timeline time on the same resolution, in the same order (of screens) as previously to basically solve for the “no screen swaps” case well.

If there are more displays than recorded at timeline view time, blur the extras. If there are fewer… show an indicator to allow swiping up on the primary (or nearest matched in resolution?) display?


Assuming instead that we can just record the “active” display at any given time, we do could something like, try to show the screen on the monitor with the best matched resolution? Or the primary display? Or make that setting.


The second is so much simpler to implement, far fewer changes- definitely the one I’m personally leaning towards.

The massive drawback is people who use something like entirely frameless displays that are seamlessly connected and windows spanning displays is normal. In that case, the second is a much worse experience.

cori commented 5 months ago

One place where rem would be super useful to me is explicitly to capture whatever's going on on the monitor that doesn't have focus - like watching a long presentation or meeting on a second monitor while also doing something more ... active on the main monitor (and if that's "taking notes" so much the better for later recognition).

Definitely a difficult problem, but the payoff would be huge if rem could capture "everything".

m-rio commented 4 months ago

for my situation the option to automatically detect and switch to active display would suffice. On macos you can see the application bar in focus on the active display. I have 3 displays, normally slack on 1 and 2 browser windows open on 2 other displays (arc in my case). I only expect to have "recordings" of the active display.

This breaks down when there's a meeting going on and I'd like to record the meeting/presentation while browsing. In this scenario I'd love a meeting detection which offers me to record all displays (or even better: just the display where the meeting is ocurring).

TBH for meetings, what I'd love is a meeting/audio recording and transcription experience similar to rewindAI but I guess this if out of scope for rem?