jasonjmcghee / rem

An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
MIT License
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Bugs I’ve found #75

Open RootingInLoad opened 4 months ago

RootingInLoad commented 4 months ago


First I must say thank you for this project, as it could become a real replacement for RewindAI; which I couldn’t morally setup as it wasn’t open source (my Mac has my entire life on it so I’m really careful).

I’m here to report several bugs I’ve encountered:

I think that’s all for the bugs.

There’s just one single feature that would be enough to make the app really work (even if so many things can be added to it, of course), this is the presence of the timeline in the timeline. Not knowing when a picture is dated is really unpractical for fast search.

All in all, I really hope this project has a bright future, as I think that having open source AI is a must have.


jasonjmcghee commented 4 months ago

Thanks so much for the report and apologies for not responding sooner! (I missed it!)

Just to confirm- Are all of these on the latest version?

Yes, totally understand about a timeline interface- the clock in your top right is only so helpful.

I’ll check out these issues and think about the right way to build the timeline.

appreciate you trying it out! And if you know any swift devs or people will to figure it out, feel free to send them this way! I have limited bandwidth, and sometimes use that time to explore companion projects. (Like once you have this context, what can you do with it?)

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

I believe #90 will fix the timeline missing frame bug you mentioned

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

I've never seen this before:

when using the search feature, if you click on a result, the image doesn’t show up, and instead it does weird things to the screen, so you have to escape the menu.

I'd love to see if that's still happening after #90 is merged

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

(#90 is merged)

cparish312 commented 1 month ago

@jasonjmcghee I'm realizing I actually introduced a bug with #90 . The issue is Search is still based off of indexes with the frames table, while the timeline now works on indexes within the chunksFramesView. Therefore, when a search thumbnail is clicked the frames index is passed, but the timeline treats it as a chunksFramesIndex.

One possible solution is to convert the Search functionality to also use the chunksFramesView. Only downsides I can think of is now frames with relevant text but without a chunk will no longer appear (probably a fix but could be considered bad) and potentially performance (shouldn't be an issue).

The other solution is to just convert the frames index to a chunksFramesIndex before it is passed to showTimelineView().

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

@cparish312 - sounds like a perfectly good fix. if there's no chunk 🤷 probably not worth showing