jasonjmcghee / rem

An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
MIT License
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Start remembering on login? #80

Closed digital-cuttlefish closed 1 month ago

digital-cuttlefish commented 1 month ago


I see that from https://github.com/jasonjmcghee/rem/pull/9, its now possible to start Rem from login more easily (though I see that that release hasn't been made yet).

Are there any plans to enable "start remembering" on login too? I'd help myself (as i do often for open source libraries), but I don't actually know any swift.

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

I'll make that release! it starts remembering on login.

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

Fixed by the new release https://github.com/jasonjmcghee/rem/releases