jasonjmcghee / rem

An open source approach to locally record and enable searching everything you view on your Mac.
MIT License
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Navigating the search page using the keyboard #85

Open digital-cuttlefish opened 1 month ago

digital-cuttlefish commented 1 month ago

I think it would be a bug plus if we could navigate the search page using just the keyboard.

In an ideal world, a user would be able to open search (preferrably with only the keyboard too! https://github.com/jasonjmcghee/rem/discussions/81), type in a search result, press the down arrow key, use the arrow keys to get to the screenshot they're interested in, and then press enter to expand it.

jasonjmcghee commented 1 month ago

Better keyboard shortcuts and keyboard navigation are both great ideas!

Definitely support this issue.