I've been working with this module for a while, but now I'm wondering how to change the underline color of an tag on Android.
I just want some part of my string to be a link, but without the underline.
On iOS, I just pass a different color on the value param of ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_COLOR and it works, but on Android it takes the color of the ATTRIBUTE_FOREGROUND_COLOR.
Here's some of the code I'm using on the customMatcher:
if (node.type === 'tag' && node.name && node.name === 'a') {
value : color,
range : [offset, length]
value : color2,
range : [offset, length]
value : {
fontFamily: Alloy.Globals.fontMedium,
fontSize: "12sp"
range : [offset, length]
Hi @Nostariel - That's sounds like a parity bug in Titanium then. You might want to report that at jira.appcelerator.org. This module merely parses HTML to attributed strings.
I've been working with this module for a while, but now I'm wondering how to change the underline color of an tag on Android.
I just want some part of my string to be a link, but without the underline.
On iOS, I just pass a different color on the value param of ATTRIBUTE_UNDERLINE_COLOR and it works, but on Android it takes the color of the ATTRIBUTE_FOREGROUND_COLOR.
Here's some of the code I'm using on the customMatcher:
Is there a way to achieve this?
Thank you very much!